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Tver - Split 3


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Cassy, seriously?? Surely you are joking about the man on the moon thing not being real!!!! If you think that way, then you won't like my sci-fi story because we are on Mars for decades already!

Unsy got the definitive info on Christy coming. I believe him. And what about, the "Petra is coming Christy" thing? BTW, they can't fucking speak English, that's for sure!!

I thought it was a good idea, giving the people some inside infos, especialy now that she is coming back but it seems that I was wrong.

I will keep such things in the future.

And people who doesn't even know that the mankind was already on the moon..., well..., 'nuff said!

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I thought it was a good idea, giving the people some inside infos, especialy now that she is coming back but it seems that I was wrong.

I will keep such things in the future.

I don't even think it's a good idea in general that she's in contact with people on this board.

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Pfft, believe what you want. Not once have I ever said that because I don't believe that. I've said this in past: I don't think it's a good idea because with her knowing people on this board, it may change or influence her behavior in the house. If you believe I'm better than everyone else, then that's on you.

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With regard to being in contact with the young women who appear on VV and RLC I will not judge others but simply speak for myself. It would feel creepy for a man my age to be having conversations with a 19 year old girl. Doing the searching and seeking out of these individuals on social media feels like page one of the stalkers handbook to me. I also agree that contact could affect an individual's presence on these sites. People often complain that the participants are playing to the camera instead of just acting natural.

How could direct contact and feedback NOT affect that? 

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