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Voronezh - Split 12


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I love Indian food, nack, don't mind a little spicy. We have a lot of Indian Americans living near where I live in Queens, New York. My sons went to school with and had many Indian American friends. And I'm sure India is a very nice place.

I'd love to go anywhere interesting in the world. If I win the lottery one day and get rich I will visit you all!

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I think I have had that dish also. My wife and went on like a second honeymoon in October for my 60th birthday to Barbados and had Indian food. I loved it! My wife doesn't like spicy, I do.

Waldiramos, nice to meet a brit. I know we have several germans, indians, americans and I'm sure many other nationalities. Differences are the spice of life! My now married grown daughter went to Britain about 14 years ago when she was 13 through a group called People to People International which sends young people all over the world as ambassadors from America. She went to England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and stayed with a family in Kent, England for a home stay. She loved it. One of my sons went twice on a trip with the group, all over Europe. One trip he went to France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and yes, Germany (Unsy, he stayed for a few days with a family in Bavaria, he loved it), the other time he went to Italy again and Greece. The whole family went to Israel about 6 years ago.

You know, guys, I like talking about some of this stuff as much or more than all of the VV stuff. Love talking to all of you as people not just pseudonames!

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I see no one in either apartment now. Dead night. Guess VV figures they "sated" us for now. I swear to god that they read our camcaps posts and tried to satisy them. Not quite sated but it was a good start last night. We will see if they have follow through.

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Waldiramos, would love to do that sometime, go across the pond the other way, lol! And I have heard about your famous "dry" weather there in England. When I went to Barbados a couple of months ago we met a nice british couple there. Barbados is of course a former British colony. Loved the place, went on several tours around the island. Even went on a submarine ride to reefs and shipwrecks. Funniest thing was that when we went, no one else was on the tour so we had our own private sub ride! Now how often can you say that!

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No why???

Forum is open for exchange information. And i did just that

But why you asking me to not share valuable information is beyond my understanding. And why you doing via PM.

What he fuck are you talking about? You don't get it, don't you?

Your stupidity is beyond believe!

The only thing I send you per pm was the info about the owner of Julmodels. Stop talking shit.

Just stop bothering me, Jesus Christ.

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I'm sorry, cassy. I may have inadvtertedly spread that info. That was stupid of me, I will talk to unsy and tell him I may have done that. You are both good people and I don't want you both to fight.

I will be more careful hereafter.

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