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Voronezh - Split 12


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Well at least Akira and Nikky are sleeping together. I don't know that it will lead to anything but you never know. VV feeling the heat from subscribers may have to up its "game". Otherwise, why would Nikky suddenly be nice to Akira and Akira be receptive to it?

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Easy girls ;)

Got some good news for those, who like Christy.

She'll come back next week, but without Ivo's friend. She don't know the exact day yet, neither which app they'll put her in

Oh and don't be confused, she changed her haircolor to black. Looks different, but hot ;)

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Hey Unsy great news. Aber woher weißt du das alles?

But then we will have to much people in there: Akira, Natascha, Hulk, Petra, Nina, Robert, Ivo ,Sonia, Christy. 8 beds but 9 people.

Btw. tonight is a night to remember: Everyone had sex . Ivo and Sonia did not

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