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What Are They Doing Now

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Agreed!  Hope it is just a trip....but that closet looks mighty empty.

Most likely not. Irma doesn't use much different clothes, and she's smart enough if it where a short trip to borrow Ilonas smaller suitcase, not to use that giant blue house she calles a suitcase.

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Update on last night out:

They went clubbing and were invited to VIP section.

Drinking most expensive champagne.

Apparently someone was taking up-skirt pictures of sleeping drunk Ilona.

One guy was thinking she is prostitute and was asking for a price.

Ilona gave her phone number to some guy. She doesn't remember anything else.

Next day she was getting messages & pictures from some guy. She was flirting with him on the phone.

Layla remembers only that she was kissing someone but doesn't know who was it, that made her miserable next day.

Ilona and Layla got lost in the crowd. Irma found Layla sitting with some guy crying on his shoulder. Anna found Ilona and got her home. Anna managed some guy to pay for the taxi. Anna wants to go back there next time.

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Update on last night out:

They went clubbing and were invited to VIP section.

Drinking most expensive champagne.

Apparently someone was taking up-skirt pictures of sleeping drunk Ilona.

One guy was thinking she is prostitute and was asking for a price.

Ilona gave her phone number to some guy. She doesn't remember anything else.

Next day she was getting messages & pictures from some guy. She was flirting with him on the phone.

Layla remembers only that she was kissing someone but doesn't know who was it, that made her miserable next day.

Ilona and Layla got lost in the crowd. Irma found Layla sitting with some guy crying on his shoulder. Anna found Ilona and got her home. Anna managed some guy to pay for the taxi. Anna wants to go back there next time.

Classy girls ! This is where they should put the cams, not in this apartment :)

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