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It is interesting that almost since the day the y got married Nina has never been off the phone. She never used to be that dedicated to her phone. She is now addicted to it! A strange change in her behaviour. I think a gay marriage does the same thing for a sex life as per a hetro sex life - it brings it to an END!!!!

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It is interesting that almost since the day the y got married Nina has never been off the phone. She never used to be that dedicated to her phone. She is now addicted to it! A strange change in her behaviour. I think a gay marriage does the same thing for a sex life as per a hetro sex life - it brings it to an END!!!!

pour le moment, aucune preuve que nina et kira se soient mariés!!!

yet, no evidence that Nina and kira got married !!! ;)

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pourquoi autant de téléphones... kira semble attendre quelque chose et en même temps elles regardent la télévision?

why so many phones ... kira seems to expect something and at the same time they watch TV ?

There has been recent explanation that they are setting up some kind of business, and this would involve having staff who sell for them. I wonder if the phones aren't being set up to give to sales staff.

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