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Here we piss and moan about CC Mods

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On 10/4/2019 at 6:27 PM, ed2 said:

Exactly what I just pointed out to be the problem. And you answer the same. Nothing is over the line, because we should just ignore it. Great policy. 🤦‍♂️

Thank you for listening!

Poor little Viking Ed2 can dish it out, but when return incoming fire becomes too much for him he runs to his daddy mod with his Viking tail between his legs begging the mod to ban the people who are attacking him.:cry:

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29 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Look in a mirror and you may see who she was talking about.

If you read it, she supported my case from earlier, by answering Foamy why ignoring isn't the holy sollution on everything.

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6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Poor little Viking Ed2 can dish it out, but when return incoming fire becomes too much for him he runs to his daddy mod with his Viking tail between his legs begging the mod to ban the people who are attacking him.:cry:

Thank you for the very mature reply! Happy new year, Ridgerunner!

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3 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Russia has been talking and cooperatating with 3 different sides on the ground in Syria, Turkey, the Syrian government (Assad) and the Kurds. The territitories controled by ISIS has been conquered by the two latter. Russia has been the key actor, and lead the negotiations. Even if you were heavily in on supporting the Kurds, USA has mostly been sidelined. I'm not sure it is a good thing though.

Syria has never been a democracy, far from it, but it used to be fairly liberal dictatorship. It was freedom of religion, and women in higher education. Compared to its regional neighbours, Saudi-Arabia, Quatar, Iran.

Anybody who trusts Putin and the Russians in anything is a damn fool.The kind of fool who would have cooperated with Adolf Hitler before World War II. And had it not been for what you deem to be the evil Americans you would most likely be speaking German right now and have a swastika tattooed to your forehead.

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20 minutes ago, happyone said:

I am an American also--and yes I read the comment about being stereo type American--but when someone makes a statement you seem to take it like it is a personal attack on you--and as an example below

Ed made an statement of his opinion, maybe not well informed, but rather than intelligently and methodically countering with your opinion and statement of facts.

you spewed insults which do not enhance your position, but rather detracts from the actual facts and the point you are trying to make IMO

That's your opinion. I totally disagree. 

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

If you read it, she supported my case from earlier, by answering Foamy why ignoring isn't the holy sollution on everything.

believe me it's help alot for clean the forum  and it's more confortable to read the forum after that,

it's long time ridgerunner was in my ignore list, i have reset my ignore list for the beginning of this new year for doing a test but he is already back in  and more will follow him soon,

my only regret is to have not use this function more early

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Moos54 i respect your right as a mod to remove comments from a thread that you deem to not be appropriate for that thread, but I detest your editing comments to present an untrue picture of a conversation, and you know exactly what mean. But maybe that's the way Scandinavians behave because of their uncivilized, deceitful Viking heritage.

What exactly did I do? When someone is accused my poor Ridgerunner, it might be interesting already to ask if this is the right person we are accusing

there are some who were shot for less than that and even less evidence against them, bravo you are as smart as these informers

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Truth hurts,doesn't it?  I know you don't mean Happy New Year, so I will not return the phony gesture.

From what I saw, you were the first to have been hurt in your self-esteem
I understand that one can be a patriot, by cons I do not condone human stupidity, and you're almost the leader of this
Your only answer is to insult people when you don't share the same opinion instead of trying to discuss calmly, I have always been told that if a person prefers to insult people instead of talking, is because he is lacking in argument and he knows he is wrong

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8 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

It's one thing to ignore members because you pretty much despise that posters comments. Indeed, that can make for a cleaned up experience for the ignorer. But, for the ignoree, there's no such incentive to ignore the person who ignored them, often the person who very visibly to others ignored the them. The reason being that more often then not, the original ingorer will post snide, bomb thrower type, comments designed to spite or make fun of the person ignored usually to bolster their reputation with other like minded ignorers. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense why the ignore feature is not an effect tool to solve this problem. If anything the ignore feature creates a whole new problem. In my opinion, it primarily is used to divide the forums into good and bad members, to create clicks or gangs of like minded members, who then feel superior to those who aren't included with them. The ignore feature is not necessarily a defense move, it can also be an offense tool that can and does run people off the site. 

Oh sure, the "bad" members can also ruin other people's experience and cause other members to leave too, but if you ask me, good riddance. Those kinds of people want and expect a pristine experience here that is totally unrealistic in a free world.

if i don't use this feature and i enter in the game of some members one more time i know already the end of the movie so i prefer don't waste more time with those people and continue my road with the members where i have a good relation,

after everyone makes their choice and is free to use this feature or not, me this feature give me more serenity and i am more relax now on the forum

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45 minutes ago, moos54 said:

From what I saw, you were the first to have been hurt in your self-esteem
I understand that one can be a patriot, by cons I do not condone human stupidity, and you're almost the leader of this
Your only answer is to insult people when you don't share the same opinion instead of trying to discuss calmly, I have always been told that if a person prefers to insult people instead of talking, is because he is lacking in argument and he knows he is wrong

You just described yourself perfectly.

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1 hour ago, moos54 said:

What exactly did I do? When someone is accused my poor Ridgerunner, it might be interesting already to ask if this is the right person we are accusing

there are some who were shot for less than that and even less evidence against them, bravo you are as smart as these informers

Here is exactly what you did: I made the comment, "To get back on topic,what are the fabulous Kristy and Alana doing in B-1."   Your answer to that was, "Living their life, and you?"      I answered, "Wasting my time with you."    Then you replied, "you are loosing your valuable time, I am afraid."   But when you closed down the site you deleted my comment of  "wasting my time with you."  You then moved your comment of "you are loosing your valuable time, I am afraid"  to be an answer to my comment of  "So begin the the conversation about Kristy and Alana in B-1, and I will be quiet until someone attacks me again."   That makes you a dishonest deceitful person.  Unfortunately, most of today's conversation in B-1 has been deleted, but if any other Mod has access to the deleted material please read all of the conversation and you will see that I am telling the truth.  

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