van the man Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 After watching this apartment over so many months I have to say that the attraction has finally worn away!!!. Watching such unhappy people living such uninspired lives, who despite seemingly having all the trappings of a modern life don't manage to speak more than the occasional word to each other and find solace in watching second rate movies on their shitty little TV or computer. Kiko seems to be clinically depressed. He has no energy for life and is determined to hurt Nora at every opportunity. Nora craves love and affection and gets almost nothing back. Laughter and fun left this household a long time ago. I doubt it will ever return. Their sex life is all or nothing. Nothing for weeks with Kiko determined to resist any seduction from Nora, then suddenly his resistance is broken and wam, bang they fuck like crazy. A few days later depression descends again! Nora a life like this is not for one so beautiful. When will you realise???? Nora lovers everywhere are waiting to save you!!!!
rosey 1 Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 All the guys could learn from watching Harvey ! That couple is always hot for each other; and not afraid to show it... If you're paying for a subscription...this is worth the money.
Guest NL Forever Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 I think that perhaps they need to leave RLC for their own good....... months ago there was lots of fun and silliness, but now it is all rather humdrum...they are too young for their lives to get like this......
woodworker Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 Yes, the problem is with Kiko,.. A real mope! And outside of having a dick, not much of a man. But you can tell that just by the color of his socks.
Dan1456 Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 Yo queer bait excuse for a man _ KIKO!!! _ get a clue... Nora, a very beautiful woman, longing to be desired and made love to, in the bed next to you tossing and turning all night trying to get your fucking attention and you blow her off... I even saw you start to roll toward her and it looked as though when you saw that she had no covers over her and that she was naked you slide away from her... You keep ignoring your mates cry to be wanted and desired and you are going to be alone or with the BOYS permanently. You tried to act like nothing was wrong between you and Nora when friends were there last night and a night ago and you were affectionate towards Nora.. you petted Nora a few times showing love and kindness, then you ignore her in bed... ARE YOU FUCKING QUEER or what! If you can't treat Nora with any consistency instead love one day and ignore the next, then let her go find someone that can... You are an idiot...... By the way Nora you need to be more consistent with Kiko as well... the two of you need to talk about what the fuck is going on between you and quit ignoring each one week and fucking like jack rabbits for a night or two and then ignoring each other for a week for two again... Be consistent with each other if you really care about each other then show ALL THE TIME!!!!! otherwise go your seperate ways until you both know how to treat each other in a RELATIONSHIP... you ain't in high school any more!!!!! Ditto for you Nora... don't be sexy around Kiko and then be a princess bitch when you go to bed and ignore Kiko... Both of you need to quit playing with each other's ego and be about building them try to grow together rather than grow apart!!!!!!!!!!!! AND KIKO BE A MAN!!!!!! will you please act like you have some balls and act like a man for Nora.. that is what she needs be loving, make her feel desired, and be a fucking man about it.. CONSISTENTLY!!!!
woodworker Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 Kiko is leaving the apartment,.. good riddance! The amazing thing is, Nora thinks he's the tops. Go figure? I remember a quote once by the actor Cary Grant when speaking about how things have changed over time, and he said,.. "You mean when men were men, and women were damn glad about it."
Dan1456 Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 It cracks me up.. In front of other people they try to act like nothing is wrong. Most peopel can tell when people are SHOWING but not meaning affection. I bet most of their friends know that Nora and Kiko are having a difficult of it right now. It's too bad that Nora and Kiko can't figure out how to treat each other. Playing cat and mouse will not fix a damn thing!!!!! Cut out the MOODINESS and start respecting each other instead acting moody towards each other..... Be true to your hearts and what that feels like, if your hearts are really still in it!!!!!!
Buster Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 It's about time we got another couple in here. Next we need Alina/Anton and Max/Lora to leave.
woodworker Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 Fuck yes! I don't even bother to look at those other apartments. And in Max and Lora's apartment the genius's at RLC put those fucking cameras on the ceiling. How stupid can you get!? Why not strap one on the ceiling fan so we can watch the room go round and round. Bad visuals and boring people in some of these apartments. The only two I have bothered with so far, is Nora's and Stinko's, and Leora and Puke's.
jvelcro Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 I happen to catch something the other day. Nora was like squeezing somewhere around her Vagina, needed some medication and a Q-tip. I think Nora has herpes and that's why the sex is so fucked up.
jvelcro Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 I feel this because I also have herpes and it is very difficult to deal with in a sexual relationship. That's why condoms sometime and sometimes not. In fact, she may have contracted this from someone else which could be the reason their relationship is so damaged. Just a thought.
moon walker Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 no no not lora go,we need him big tits,pussy and body :P :P :-* i kisses him all :-* :-* :-*
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