Nick Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 My Grandfather watched as his friends died in WW I... My Father watched as his friends died in WW II and Korea I watched and waited as my brother and friends fought for and died in Vietnam .... I watched as my friends fought and died in Desert Storm... I watched and waited while my son and friends fought in Iraq, Afghanistan.. None of them fought for or died for the Mexican Flag... Everyone fought for and died for the U.S. Flag! In Texas, a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down. Guess who was expelled... The kid who took it down. Kids in high school in California were sent home this year on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them. Enough is enough. The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American; And every American needs to stand up for America. We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough... I'm taking a stand... I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. Flag can't stand up... And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message... Let me make this perfectly clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY! And, because I make This statement DOES NOT Mean I'm against immigration!!! YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN OUR COUNTRY! Welcome! To come through legally: 1. Get a sponsor! 2. Get a place to lay your head! 3.Get a job! 4.Live By OUR Rules! 5.Pay YOUR Taxes!And 6.Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants have in the past!! AND 7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime Savings of Social Security Funds to you. If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone, ThenYOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! When will AMERICANS STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS ????? We've gone so far the other way... Bent over backwards not to offend anyone... But it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN CITIZEN being offended! WAKE UP America !!! If You agree...Pass this on... 3
Chloe K Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 With all due respect I can only tell you that the country you are writing about is no longer the same country even though it's still America. It's changed. I get where you are coming from and I know why. These things you are making references to are about my great grandparents who came to New York City on a boat from Sweden, They never learned to speak English...or at least not very well. My great grandfather also helped build the Brooklyn Bridge and it's still there today. But it's not the same country they came to? They worked hard and paid taxes...people didn't like them very much. Peopl in those days pretty much said the same things just like you have.....they put up with a lot of hate and anger towards them....they called them names and made fun them too. They thought my great grandparents were ignorant. Eventually they became American citizens but the other Americans still didn't like them....long story short.... my father learned to speak English Finnish and Swedish because of them He went to college and joined the US Air Force. I was born a military brat which was the worst thing that ever happened to me. He was a aircraft commander of a B-1 bomber. No of his bombers he flew was named Bad Moon Rising.... I thought that was so cool. He's defended America. I had to put up with a lot of shit like live in North Dakota and in the middle of nowhere Kansas. My father knows how much this country has changed too He talks about it a lot. "Joe Namath only made $300,00 dollars when he played NFL football but these clowns today get millions.....what the fuck?" Sorry Daddy it's not the same America you grew up in things have changed. He however doesn't bitch about it like you do......because he knows what his family went through so he could have what he has today. I am certain they would be proud of him. Yep thanks to his family way back in New York City..... immigrant who were the...... "dumb ass, get the fuck out of our country assholes, fucking foreigners who don't speak the language..... who asked you to come here you weren't born here so go back to Sweden." Yes they did go through all of that. Americans like you gave them the same sentiment and worst....believe it or not. My father Ret USAF Colonel "what's his face" would likely slap the shit out of you if you were under his command and dropped you like a GBU-31 joint direct attack munition or just a mk82 500lb general purpose bomb....airman Yeah I know all that because I am a brat...we had pop quizzes all the time. How many mk82 bombs can the B 1 carry Chloe....fuckin who cares I mean fuckin 84 sir! BUT It's still America! The America my family came too. It's still the land of the free and home of the brave. People die for our country....even those who were not citizens have died for Americas freedom...I still hear people say, if you don't love America then leave....If you ain't with us your are against us. Instead of wasting time trying to change something you have no power to change....Have fun instead of making yourself feel angry or mad......Shake it off....rub dirt on it.... America of 2016. If you open your eyes you might even find out we still play baseball, and eat apple pie that grandma makes for the 4th of July. Thanks to my immigrant great grand parents who fell off the boat, I get to live here and enjoy what they wanted me to have a good life.
Thestarider Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 Well Chloe, you make some great points, but I take offense along with 2.9 million people who believe that Kansas is a great place to live, and raise a family. For God's sake Dorthy and Toto came from Kansas, and where would you be without the yellow brick road ??? Still lost in that fantasy world you live in, I would guess, BTW don't forget to click your ruby red slippers heels together 3 times so you can go home. I love living in nowhere and wouldn't want to ever live anywhere else. 2
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 Looks like Americans are unhappy with the way things are turning out. I figured as much. 1
Nick Posted April 25, 2016 Author Posted April 25, 2016 15 minutes ago, Chloe's Clone said: With all due respect I can only tell you that the country you are writing about is no longer the same country even though it's still America. It's changed. I get where you are coming from and I know why. These things you are making references to are about my great grandparents who came to New York City on a boat from Sweden, They never learned to speak English...or at least not very well. My great grandfather also helped build the Brooklyn Bridge and it's still there today. But it's not the same country they came to? They worked hard and paid taxes...people didn't like them very much. Peopl in those days pretty much said the same things just like you have.....they put up with a lot of hate and anger towards them....they called them names and made fun them too. They thought my great grandparents were ignorant. Eventually they became American citizens but the other Americans still didn't like them....long story short.... my father learned to speak English Finnish and Swedish because of them He went to college and joined the US Air Force. I was born a military brat which was the worst thing that ever happened to me. He was a aircraft commander of a B-1 bomber. No of his bombers he flew was named Bad Moon Rising.... I thought that was so cool. He's defended America. I had to put up with a lot of shit like live in North Dakota and in the middle of nowhere Kansas. My father knows how much this country has changed too He talks about it a lot. "Joe Namath only made $300,00 dollars when he played NFL football but these clowns today get millions.....what the fuck?" Sorry Daddy it's not the same America you grew up in things have changed. He however doesn't bitch about it like you do......because he knows what his family went through so he could have what he has today. I am certain they would be proud of him. Yep thanks to his family way back in New York City..... immigrant who were the...... "dumb ass, get the fuck out of our country assholes, fucking foreigners who don't speak the language..... who asked you to come here you weren't born here so go back to Sweden." Yes they did go through all of that. Americans like you gave them the same sentiment and worst....believe it or not. My father Ret USAF Colonel "what's his face" would likely slap the shit out of you if you were under his command and dropped you like a GBU-31 joint direct attack munition or just a mk82 500lb general purpose bomb....airman Yeah I know all that because I am a brat...we had pop quizzes all the time. How many mk82 bombs can the B 1 carry Chloe....fuckin who cares I mean fuckin 84 sir! BUT It's still America! The America my family came too. It's still the land of the free and home of the brave. People die for our country....even those who were not citizens have died for Americas freedom...I still hear people say, if you don't love America then leave....If you ain't with us your are against us. Instead of wasting time trying to change something you have no power to change....Have fun instead of making yourself feel angry or mad......Shake it off....rub dirt on it.... America of 2016. If you open your eyes you might even find out we still play baseball, and eat apple pie that grandma makes for the 4th of July. Thanks to my immigrant great grand parents who fell off the boat, I get to live here and enjoy what they wanted me to have a good life. (He however doesn't bitch about it like you do) I think you steal Brat your father went all that for your future , I wasn't American and I served in US army and my English still not very well ,because I have Add, you think only the Swedes went thru discrimination My In Laws and my great aunts and uncles name are written at ELLIS ISLAND , guys and girls like you destroy America that's why what it is today people like you . But me I kiss the ground of USA and I think This is the best Country in hall world!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBsq69 Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 OK this a big post and while my family has quite a military history and fought in many of the wars mentioned so have many people from all over the Commonwealth fought in wars in the UK army (indeed perhaps the greatest reputation of any soldiers in our army is that of the Nepalese) or alongside it, including many Pakistanis. This is more an attack on the politically correct who have created problems by demonising anyone who says anything they (not necessarily the people whose rights they claim to be defending) do not like. I think there has been too much tolerance in the UK of this kind of thing and it is has led to some very very bad things. As you will know from my other posts I am profoundly anti-racist and pro-immigration but that does not mean we should tolerant intolerance or have race, religion or culture used as an accuse for abhorrent behaviour. About 6 of my friends on Facebook are Indian ex-work colleagues from several different religions who I meet up with when they visit the UK and indeed my best friend is half Indian and my natural instinct is to side with minorities. I shall first tell a tale before moving on to some examples of where society has just been too tolerant. At a cricket match a few years ago, there were some obnoxious white racists in front of me yelling abuse at the Pakistani supporters, who have every right to support whichever team they chose. It is quite outrageous that we enjoy the colorful West Indian support and yet many just to criticise people form the subcontinent for choosing to support a team from the country were all there ancestors are from. I felt bad and I could see it my friends that we do not challenge these thugs but I would say they were heavily outnumbered by the Pakistani contingent, who for all we know could have been yelling abuse back and were certainly gesturing justifiably. I suppose we could have reported them to the police but we were just there to have a good time and were not really the type to confront people. However when I left for the beer tent as one does at a cricket match - 7+ hours of getting drunk - the police stopped me and I struggled to find my ticket to the enclosure. Despite having been immediately behind me and thus witnessed me being held up, the next in line, a person of South Asian origin, when he similarly could not find his ticket immediately claimed they were only stopping him because he was black. They told him off and refused him entry, at least at that time, but it was the ridiculousness of thinking that he could get away with something just by accusing people of being racist that really struck me. 1. The wearing of burqa, which is the dress with just a tiny slit for the eyes. This is clearly a political statement by Muslims because very few wore it anywhere in the world until 50 years ago and was really seen in the UK about 20 years ago but now they are almost common place. Many westerners feel uncomfortable about it, although there has been a history of people covering up, but not quite to this extent and not in circumstances now being worn. It has been used by terrorist suspects to escape - one guy went in a mosque and came out in one. A former Labour home secretary, an immigrant himself, was attacked verbally for saying he felt uncomfortable dealing with women who wear it in his constituency surgery. A school teacher wanted to wear it in school which immediately puts up barrier between them and the class and they have been calls to allow them to be worn by people in court. The English (Scottish law is different) justice relies on the ability of the jury to tell if a witness credible - I know because I have sat on one - but that is a bit difficult if you cannot see the face of the witness as they speak or even the body language under such a garment. I wonder if blind people should be barred fro being jurors for precisely that reason and the fact that there are usually pictures involved. 2. There are Sharia courts being set up in which judgements are given which in the matter of divorce basically tell a woman that she should try harder to please her husband and should certainly not seek justice through the courts of the land that she is living it because they override it. How are the pleases remotely tolerated and that stands for all religious courts not just the Islamic ones. It should be made abundantly clear that these courts have absolutely no authority. 3. In Birmingham a few years ago there was a play about a Sikh priest in a temple who behaved badly. The Sikhs came out and protested threatening to riot if the play was shown as it was blasphemous to suggest something bad could happen in a temple. The council cancelled all performances on public safety grounds. So much for freedom of speech. 4. During the riots a few years ago in London the Sikhs who are allowed to carry ceremonial swords, which is part of their religion and allowable because they will never use them brought out those same swords to defend their area. Again this was tolerated. I'm pretty sure if I threatened someone with a dangerous weapon I would be arrested and yet clearly this is what was intended. 5. The practice of Female Genital Mutilation. This has been carried out by doctor's in the UK and many girls have been sent abroad to have it done thus denying them pleasure not to mention the pain aand the risk of serious infection yet as far as I know there has only been 1 prosecution. Forced marriages are a similar issue which although utterly legal is very rarely prosecuted. 6. And finally to the most seriously problem. Paedophiles are present in all cultures but the case in Rotherham and who knows how many other towns because there are examples highlights the danger when fear of being accused of racism is taken too far. No fewer than 1400 girls (pretty much all of them white) were abused over a 15-20 period. The police knew about it, the council knew about and yest did nothing because they feared it would make them look bad among the Muslim community. It is not the only place this has happened, and indeed a lot of the girls were in care and they are often treated very badly by the police and authorities to the extent that the police would act as a taxi service for them after they had been raped because they were just considered as bad girls rather than victims of appalling crimes, and there are gangs of this type in other cultures and indeed several famous white celebrities are now behind bars, but for this to go on on an industrial scale required whole communities to be accepting of it and authorities to turn a blind eye. 1
ww_watcher Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 5 hours ago, BBsq69 said: 1. The wearing of burqa, which is the dress with just a tiny slit for the eyes. This is clearly a political statement by Muslims because very few wore it anywhere in the world until 50 years ago and was really seen in the UK about 20 years ago but now they are almost common place. Many westerners feel uncomfortable about it, although there has been a history of people covering up, but not quite to this extent and not in circumstances now being worn. It has been used by terrorist suspects to escape - one guy went in a mosque and came out in one. A former Labour home secretary, an immigrant himself, was attacked verbally for saying he felt uncomfortable dealing with women who wear it in his constituency surgery. A school teacher wanted to wear it in school which immediately puts up barrier between them and the class and they have been calls to allow them to be worn by people in court. The English (Scottish law is different) justice relies on the ability of the jury to tell if a witness credible - I know because I have sat on one - but that is a bit difficult if you cannot see the face of the witness as they speak or even the body language under such a garment. I wonder if blind people should be barred fro being jurors for precisely that reason and the fact that there are usually pictures involved. This is my experience only, Back in the 70s, when Iran was still run by the Shah, one of my duties in the USAF was to train Iranian airmen how to maintain the reconnaisance equipment on the RF-4Cs which we had sold them (i did the same thing with the Saudis only I went to Saudi Arabia to do it). One particular fellow was a Christian among his muslim compatriots. He was also one of only two enlisted men in the group; the rest were officers (I think mostly because of money not education). Of the 20 or so Iranian airmen he was the only one respectful of us as their instructors. One of things he warned me about was, as BB said, the use of the Burka by men to hide their identities. This way they can hide among women and children, essentially using them as "meat shields". However, I learned tell the difference by watching how they interact with others (you can't always see their eyes, which would be another clue); the women are subservient and meek and the men can't fake this well. This became a personal safety issue with me because I have no tolerance for the un-earned arrogance of the people I had to deal with professionally. When the Shah was deposed by the Ayatollah the country's society was set back at least 100 years. My friend, who was still attending the tech school, had to request political asylum because he got word that his family, who had members in the government and were Christian, had either been killed or imprisoned during the regime change. I was even cornered [at work] and threatened by a couple of his fellow airmen -not because they were concerned for his safety- but because they thought that I and a couple of friends, were hiding him somewhere. AT WORK! they did this, on an American base, on American soil! As a group they were placed under house arrest and sent home the next day and in case you guys are wondering those two got a 5 second lesson in reality about how Texas cowboys address this behavior...but I brag...a bit. Anyway, Since I have met and worked with all kinds of people from all over the Muslim world, in my estimation, I have found most are good people. However, in the big picture, those good people are irrelevant because they aren't the folks who will hurt you. I could easily be confused as a racist, but then the middle easterners should not be identified as a race; they are a society, whose behavior and laws are set by their religion...and their history. I make my personal judgements on an individual basis but as a group my opinion changes accordian to that societies known behavior patterns. This is why I am constantly astounded at the -apparent deliberate- naivete demonstrated by my country's leaders in their dealings with these people. The reason we established a Navy was because of this exact issue. Nothing has changed since then, so why haven't we learned? What is the motivation behind our country's (and I am not talking about our government; that's political) acceptance of the horrendous behavior pattern routinely shown by the muslim society? The Ghurkas and the warriors of the Sikh are nothing like the muslims who have recently invaded the UK and Europe and have served the British empire faithfully. However, I have not actually met any who would wear their ceremonial knives blatantly in public. Only the show-offy kids. I never knew it had become an issue. I am a McGregor and I have worn a sword (in battle I would prefer the axe) with the battle tartan, but I wouldn't do it for any other reason than ceremonial. BTW BB, folks who have been blind for a while can tell a lot by voice inflections. I am sure you can tell when someone, you are talking with over the phone, is smiling or sad or tired or has had a bad day. You don't need to see their faces. That you think about this is the reason you can usually tell when someone is being honest or not. Most of this generation have lost that skill because if they can't see "LOL" written in txt, they won't realize you are being mirthful; they are not paying that kind of attention.
Chloe K Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 I state this and rest my case I never said the Swedes/Finns were the only ones discriminated against I only said my father's family, who were from Sweden and Finland, were discriminated against, AND how do guys and girls like me destroy America? Are you referring to things such as death metal bands and rap music? I think that you should expand on that statement because I have no idea how we are destroying America. I would like to know so I can change my destructive ways as I do not have intentions of or desire to destroying my own homeland....for example two of the things I love about living here in America is NFL and Women's College Volleyball....and I do not want to be the reason of their demise because at least half of Americans would hate me.,,,.ME the power to destroy....I wish I had that kind of power!!! Come on Superman. What I am understanding from your posting is you are a racist. Americans soldiers die to make ALL people of the world free....including the citizens of Mexico! And they died for the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan too. And go back further in history American soldiers died to free all of Europe form the dictatorship and terror of Adolf Hitler....they did not die for only our country,,,,,,I sense from your statement that your knowledge of America is limited and it would be in your best interest to further your studies US history and get a complete picture of what America is about before making generalized statements. Also you should watch reruns of Ozzie and Harriet, Father Knows Best and My Three Sons..... a few things that will help with your understanding of American way of life where it was and where it is today. It has changed You don't know or care to agree with the fact that, we the people do not have to line up and follow what YOU believe to be the American way of life is or what we should feel emotionally about America ..... we do not have to " Love it or Leave it" Therefore my assumption of your thoughts brings me to the conclusion is that you are an simple minded and there is no further reason to exchange words with you..... My kind and thoughtful advise to you is to go back to watching Real Life Cams and leave the political debates up to all the other idiots
Chloe K Posted April 28, 2016 Posted April 28, 2016 To Starider and all Mid Western folks.....Kansas is a beautiful state...when I lived there I was 12 years old and a brat...I didn't like living there because I had to leave all my friends behind at the old AF base and had to make new friends at the new AF base. SO............... I apologize if I offended anyone.......GO Big Red!! 2
Chloe K Posted April 28, 2016 Posted April 28, 2016 Has anyone heard about or aware of a group from Scandinavia (beginning in Finland) called the Soldiers of Odin? Why is this new order anti immigration? Are they a white power group like the Aryan Nation? ...Awwwww fuck political science! I am going back to watch Leora sleeping on the sofa.
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