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Tula - Split 1


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Alex has turned into a real little douche bag that deserves to get the shit kicked out of him. Maybe a little jail time or rehab would do some good after. It's a shame the guys in all these apartments haven't had there balls drop and there nothing but a bunch of pussy's that don't stand for any moral values. Maybe here in Canada we do things differently because we don't mind stepping up and sticking up for someone even if that means throwing some punches. We sure the hell don't turn insta gay and start hugging/caressing another man. What a bunch of weirdo's.

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1 minute ago, Here2Play said:

Alex has turned into a real little douche bag that deserves to get the shit kicked out of him. Maybe a little jail time or rehab would do some good after. It's a shame the guys in all these apartments haven't had there balls drop and there nothing but a bunch of pussy's that don't stand for any moral values. Maybe here in Canada we do things differently because we don't mind stepping up and sticking up for someone even if that means throwing some punches. We sure the hell don't turn insta gay and start hugging/caressing another man. What a bunch of weirdo's.

Cmon hes just a little drunk. Hes the kind of guy who brings action in. I have no problem with him being there

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