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Where are the Girls and What are they doing now ? ~ Part #2

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Just now, Noldus said:

I do not think Kami comes home at night, since Kristy took the chance to take up her bf to the apartment.

What do you think where Kamila is now? .... Have some REAL LIFE outside?

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Guest beaver67
25 minutes ago, Noldus said:

just guessing, but Kristy covered up for him but not cam? And that he took pictures of her, which she did not like. Seemed like he meant she shows himself to the world, but is reserved for him ??

he is an ass, and needs to get out of her life

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17 hours ago, Noldus said:

Nothing matches the daily routines today ...

Now Kristy come home and sit in the living room with caps on the sofa.

very perceptive Noldus you have been dissecting their patters much like I do. By your time keeping and my viewing I can really know what will happen.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If she went to the beach I think she drowned or she's trying to get a moon tan. lol

she was very quick yesterday morning, got up brushed her teeth and put on a bikini and a jogging suit. Was ready to go out of 15 minutes. Nothing extra with her

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