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Where are the Girls and What are They Doing Now ? ~ Part #3

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42 minutes ago, MrBox said:

This was always an issue for me ... that is true ... I like to discuss endlessly ... but it is very different with both topics you mentioned

  • The topic about Trump is important for me, because i think it is very important for the world in general. ... It is political.
  • RLC is just something interesting for me ... I saw Kristy and was wondering what she would do. ... As she than was hidding (or was not to be seen any more), I wanted to express this. ... Because I do not talk about RLC with the people I know in person, i use this forum to do so. ... Is that not what this place is about (at least partly)?

BTW, I do not like when people deny others there freedom in general. ... It is not fine to insult people. Especially if someone just use this to enforce his opinion. ... Euromike is simply trying to bully people. 

Honestly it is not different  - it is the same to others - you only see it differently. Weather about Trump or RLC you have to understand that you may be harping on a point that others do not agree with.  Once you made your point you can move on and leave it.  If people agree then fine - if they don't let it go.  You have to understand that you not just others may also be wrong or skewed in your thinking. So continuing to try to convince others may be seen as obsessive. 

Euromike gets aggressive in his posts at times but the imbedded point is still there.  And it is, I believe the same one I am trying to make.  

Anyway - lets move on back to topic of the thread ....... well at the moment the apartment is empty.

But at least they are not hiding :angel:

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5 minutes ago, albacore said:

Honestly it is not different  - it is the same to others - you only see it differently. Weather about Trump or RLC you have to understand that you may be wrong or harping on a point that other do not agree with.  Once you made your point you can move on and leave it.  If people agree then fine - if they don't let it go.  You have to understand that you not just others may also be wrong or skewed in your thinking. So continuing to try to convince others may be seen as obsessive. 

Euromike gets aggressive in his posts at times but the imbedded point is still there.  And it is, I believe the same one I am trying to make.  

Anyway - lets move on back to topic of the thread ....... well at the moment the apartment is empty.

But at least they are not hiding :angel:


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1 minute ago, ericjeanjean said:

Did Kristy get that big bouquet of flowers today? She looked lovely when she went out tonight. Maybe she went on a date with some lucky guy.

Yes she did Eric, came home with both the flowers and the little ship made with sea shells.

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