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Where are the Girls and What are They Doing Now ? ~ Part #4

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1 hour ago, ericjeanjean said:



5 minutes ago, kenny1940 said:

comment are confusing me, one says the guy was good one says he looked inexperienced come on folks some of us missed we want some commentary that is consistent. was it cool or not can they compete with Kam and Yegor

Don't know for sure.I turned it off.

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1 minute ago, piedpiper1968 said:

I was asking as one of Kitek's translations she said she has never has sex without the guy wearing a condom.

It just seems Kristy has not been in a relationship the entire duration of her time at RLC so as a persons who dates it is the wiser move. Kamila is a relationship person so like a lot of partners who start of with condemns they start dating in a relationship and have a discussion and ditch the condemns, Yes maybe the disiease trust is ok but the pregnancy issue remains, that's between them. Kristy apparently wants no part of disease or pregnancy,

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3 minutes ago, tripod2 said:

I can't believe I missed Kristy getting laid because I was watching those two knuckleheads debate.  :angry:

And it wasn't worth watching same old stuff. I much would have rather been watching Kristy. :huh: and the Bacelona apartments.

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1 minute ago, Thestarider said:

And it wasn't worth watching same old stuff. I much would have rather been watching Kristy. :huh: and the Bacelona apartments.

I want to congratulate Thestarider for being Global Moderator. There were some comments and push back which is fine that is what this site is about. I am encouraged by the fact that not only does this person provide commentary, but contribution. It is important for this forum to provide intellect in your contribution. While I say goofy comments and go about my day. Thes provides not only opinion but activity. Polls, videos, pics when he and others could. I don't want to out him but I did not have a relationship with him and I casually mentioned that I missed an episode. He reached out to me and PM me and hooked me up. I never betrayed his trust for doing that. I don't always agree with his take on what we see but he is contributing more to this site than I ever have. He is In a new role, we need someone like TGB, Squirrel, Stone Cold, Thes, Noldus to be dedicated to the Admin part of this site or at least structure. There are also many people that contribute by vids, pics etc. For now Welcome Thes. Peace to the many contributors of vids and pics we know who they are, they sacrifice being banned and time  for CC not necessarily RLC

Thank you, RLC member since 6/2013 CC contributor since 1/2014

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