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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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And why wouldn't you want to grab that arse?  ;D and even better she lightly spanked it a few times which I can't really do justice to without a GIF.

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That is NUTELLA chocolate spread.Is is made from belgium chocolate and most women are crazy about it, mine included. Comes in two varieties..normal chocolate or milk chocolate with dark chocolate. Buy some for your missus/girlfreind and you will get some tonight in the bedroom. LOL

We have a Ferrero Factory in the City I live in that makes that Nutella.  I bought one jar and it was my last. The taste was awful. Used it once and gave it to my niece. She seems to like that stuff.

I'll stick to the traditional Peanut Butter.

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Even after all this time, Paul's eyes are drawn to a particular part of Leora's breathtaking anatomy.

Only thing is he doesn't have a clue of what to do with it and what it craves.
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