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Leora & Paul Videos - Split #1

Guest NL

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Minge was always a favorite of mine.

I dated a British girl for a while. I loved it when she would scream, 'Oh baby, fuck my hot wet minge as hard as you can.' And you can trust me that I did.  :)

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Guest Squirrel

I've taught you well Squirrel. :)

Yes, Oh Master, I have learned much from your wisdom.

But Oh Master, teach me more about this concept of "The Minge."

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Guest Squirrel

Thank you Squirrel, I thought it was somewhat romantic, but with a cautionary note attached to it.

I believe that clams have shells that close suddenly, in order to catch their prey. But then again, that has plenty do to with alimony, lawsuits, and men who have lost their dicks. I'm guessing it's off-topic in this category. But maybe it's correct...

The quote was wonderful, by the way.

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'A modern love story'

'Oh to impinge upon the minge,

all slippery and wet and me all set,

in I go and her face doesn't matter,

all I can think of is how long I can twat her'

It ain't Shakespeare or Squirrel or Chaucer but it says everything about guys attitudes to sex!!!!

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