Cho Posted January 14, 2015 Posted January 14, 2015 Cela montre surtout qu'"On peut rire de tout, mais pas avec tout le monde".(Pierre DESPROGES) et c'est bien dommage... Moi j'aime bien l'humour de Chiller. -- This shows especially that "One can laugh at everything, but not with everyone." (Pierre DESPROGES) and that's a shame... I really enjoy the humor of Chiller. ;) If people bothered to take notice, you will find that there has been much discussion about people not making derogatory remarks about RLC members. Without them, good, bad or whatever, CC wouldn't exist. You and I have agreed on many things on this site, in fact I find most of your posts both interesting and often amusing. I am therefore surprised that you would classify that childish comment as humour. Désolé de t'avoir déçu. La semaine dernière en France ont eu lieu plusieurs agressions qui ont fait 17 morts. Celle contre le journal satirique Charlie Hebdo en a fait 12. Elle n'avait pas d'autre motif que la vengeance de gens qui n'admettaient pas que l'on puisse se moquer par l'image ou par les mots. On doit pouvoir se moquer de tout dans un pays libre sans crainte de la répression. --Sorry to disappoint you. Last week in France took place several attacks that left 17 people dead. One against the satirical magazine Charlie-Hebdo left 12. It had no other reason than the revenge of people who don't admit to be mocking by the image or the words. Today, One must be making fun of everything in a free country without fear of repression. Maybe my unconscious that has established a link. Just think if that crazy fucker avoided the cartoon drawing, all this would have never happened. The families of the deceased persons should sue Chartlie Hebdo. Toi non plus n'as rien compris au dessin. Fais donc l'analyse de texte des propos écris. Si le prophète dis qu'il est difficile d'être aimé par des cons c'est parce qu'il ne cautionne pas les actes terroristes réalisés par des terroristes radicaux islamistes. C'est pourtant pas compliqué à comprendre... N'oublie pas que nul part dans le Coran n'est écrit que représenter le prophète est blasphématoire. C'est une invention des salafistes et autres extrêmes. Réfléchis un peu bon sang au lieu de te laisser aveugler par la religion. -- You either have not understood the drawing. So make text analysis about the words wroten. If the Prophet said "it's difficult to be loved by idiots" is because he does not support terrorist acts carried out by terrorist Islamist radicals. Yet it is not hard to understand ... Do not forget that nowhere in the Koran is written that represent the Prophet is blasphemous. It is an invention of the Salafists and other extremes. Think a little instead of letting you be blinded by religion. >:(
msieurdam Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 [...] N'oublie pas que nul part dans le Coran n'est écrit que représenter le prophète est blasphématoire. C'est une invention des salafistes et autres extrêmes. Réfléchis un peu bon sang au lieu de te laisser aveugler par la religion. Et tant bien même, si c'est interdit ou blasphématoire de représenter Mahomet, ça l'est UNIQUEMENT pour les musulman eux-même. Donc non avenu ! On va pas arrêter de manger du porc quand même parce que c'est pêcher pour eux, ni des ovin car c'est sacré en Inde, ni des clou de girofle car c'est peut-être avec ça qu'on plante dans le bois et, surtout, ni des frites car c'est un icône belge (salut l'ami Antares ;) -lui, il mange du Chat de Gelluck :) ) !!! Moi j'en fous, j'ai mon Charlie Hebdo depuis ce matin, et ça doit faire marrer Wolinski de voir toutes ces queues devant les kiosques !!! ;D --- And so even, if it is forbidden or blasphemous to represent Mohammed, that is it ONLY for Muslim they the same. Thus there are no concerns ! We are going not to stop of food of the pork all the same because it is to go blasphem for them, neither ovine race because it is crowned in India, nor "clou de girofle" (it's mushroom) because it is maybe with that that we crash in the wood and, especially, nor the chips because it is one Belgian icon (hello friend Antares;) - he, he eats of the Cat of Gelluck:))!!! I in madmen, me have my Charlie Hebdo for this morning, and that has to make Wolinski have a good laugh to see all these tails in front of kiosks !!! (sorry, guys, it's a jeu de mots bien français bien d'chez nous ;) )
Cho Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 Bon, allez, on ne va pas commencer une guerre sainte ici. Simplement je pense que nous serons tous d'accord, quelque soient nos idées de tout genre, pour dire que personne n'a le droit de tuer son voisin parce qu'il n'a pas les mêmes idées que les siennes, même au nom du divin. On peut très bien ne pas partager les idées et le dire ou l'écrire tout en vivant côte à côte dans la paix. Cela s'appelle le droit à la différence et la liberté de pensée de nos cerveaux développés. Sinon, nous ne sommes que des animaux. Etant à l'origine du débat, je pense que nous pouvons peut-être le clore aujourd'hui pour revenir à Alina et sa grosse copine.. -- Come on, we're not going to start a holy war here. Simply I think we would all agree, whatever our ideas of all kinds, to say that nobody has the right to kill his neighbor because he has'nt the same ideas as his even in God's name. One may very well not share ideas and say or write, while living side by side in peace. This is called the right to difference and freedom of thought for our developed brains. Otherwise, we are just animals... As the source of debate, I think maybe we can conclude today to return to Alina and her fat chubby... ;)
msieurdam Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 Si continuons justement !!! Cultures, origines..... Je suis curieux justement... curieux de revoir cette jolie asiatique toute nue !! Culturons nous !!! ;D
StnCld316 Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Cho Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). 4:35 in the afternoon. How much sleep does a person really need. These people are completely out of sync biorythm. They live during the night and sleep all day long... :-\ ???
StnCld316 Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). The guest woke up, but she killed the tiger.
Cho Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). The guest woke up, but she killed the tiger. Flattening ? ;D
BlackSkorpion Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). just a little peek
TBG 150 Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 I posted that pic in the fetish section. It's perfect. Panties, upskirt, feet and toes all in one shot. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 I do understand Freddie was a homosexual, however, obviously some heteros like plumper women, so that Freddie's assertion cannot be entirely dismissed in like of his admitted lack of experience with the "fair sex." In the 19th Century, plumper women were usually the healthy ones, and the skinny ones were malnourished or dying of some disease or another. Probably belongs in Juke Box, but it fits the discussion.
sunny754 Posted January 19, 2015 Posted January 19, 2015 Alina 1-4 (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
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