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Sofia - Split 2


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but for smoke every 5 mn on balcony there is no problem!

these is alot sexy things they can do for the members,massage,bath or shower together,sexy twister on sexy underwear,sexy menage etc... why i'm not the boss of vv :biggrin:

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The apartment is really, really nice I don't know who wouldn't it want to stay there. Anyway, I could be way off base here when I say this but....... I think that since DB brought DBJ that Bella is trying to keep that going as to where Nastya and DBJ will hook up. I think in Bella's world that would make for a perfect situation. In most of our worlds just me saying that made most of us puke in our mouths, lol. Give Nastya a bit more time, little by little she is starting to show signs of the voyeur ways. As for Bella, ah Bella what can I say, I have nothing because it's just bad choice after bad choice.

Game time

I know the answer do you.

Nastya looks like an actress from a 2010 thriller/horror movie does anyone know which one?

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