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Sofia - Split 2


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Okay so since everything happened as back words and I am now in made up relationship with Nastya, I realize we never went out on our first made up date. So let's plan the date out. Not like much else is happening in VV land. Okay first when I meet her I will give her some chocolates and roses. We will work our way down to my car where I will open the car door for her as a gentleman should. We will make our way to a nice restaurant where I will pull her chair out for her once again as a gentleman should. I will order some wine for us and with every sip I take she will notice my cringe of disgust because I don't like wine but drink it anyway. We will proceed to break through the first meeting awkwardness by talking about needless things. When our food comes she will quickly learn that I am not a polite eater as I will wolf down my food using whatever I can to get the food into my mouth. "I find eating a waste of time and I don't like eating in restaurants". Once done we will go to the first bar we see so I can get some Rum and Coke in my system to loosen me up. At the bar we will have small chit chat and then I will grab her hand, lead her up to the dance floor where I will proceed to make an ass out of myself trying to dance. After that we will head down to the beach where I will grab a blanket and some more Rum and Coke. Once at the beach I will lay the blanket down and offer her my jacket because it's a little chilly. When wrapping the jacket around her I will give her a slight peck on the lips. When we sit down and gaze out to the stars reflecting off the water we will get into a more get to know you conversation. We will talk and talk til the sun comes up. Getting a little tired I will bring her home. I will walk her up to her door and once there I will grab her and give her a nice passionate kiss. That's the end of the first date stay tuned for the second date.

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