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Tula - Split 2


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2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

So, now that Anna and Alex are staying up all night and sleeping all day, Ann is pretty much trapped in her room. 

Surprisingly Anna, after being rejected by Alex, went to Ann for at least 45 minutes (I did not watch longer). Ann leaves her room only and Anna talks with Ann only if/when Alex is in the house. Strange.

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6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

For a change, I wish Alex would make love to Anna. I mean skip all the wierd positions and cramming things into her. Stop all the porn and violence. Just lay on top of her and and make love to the girl. Please

I agree fully. For some weird reason he isn't able. From the moment he appeared in VV, he was confiscated by Anna, so he has fucked no other girl (Petra very short) and we have no idea if he could act otherwise with other girls. I must say that he is very soft (and passive!) towards Ann.

Tula stays interesting.

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17 hours ago, astra said:

The Russian women are very very faithful to the man and anna and ann be in love with alex so even if has other guys they will repel like kajok with ann who repel it


Not Ann she knows she can never have alex with Anna there

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1 hour ago, nack said:

Hmm..Ann sitting close to Alex when Anna not around.Is that a pattern ?

Not exactly. Ann doesn't leave her bed more than a few minutes if Alex is not at home. If he is at home he has company of at least one of the girls, often both. Anna has other things to do (now she sleeps in the kitchen) and then Ann and Alex are together. Ann has nothing to do. Why Anna let them sleep together 2 nights is a riddle for me.

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3 minutes ago, astra said:

Alex is really big disgusting always pissing in the sink then brushing his teeth to the sink know just a big deguelasse no respet for the two girls

They don't complain as far as I know. Where do you brush your teeth?

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