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Kitty & Smith ~ General Chat For This Apartment October 23,2016. to November 30,2016.

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The biggest problem with this couple is they are in each others pockets everyday they need to give each other some alone time.Maybe she can go out with the girls every now and then and he can go out with his mates but living in this small apartment 24 hours a day is really getting on each others nerves.We all know the books men are from mars women are from venus a truer statement has never been said we just think differently to women so being in this tiny apartment all day there has to be things that they don't agree with.I don't like him but that doesn't mean that he is the problem it could be him it could be her i don't know but i'm sure a few hours apart from each other will do a world of good.

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On 21/11/2016 at 7:24 PM, broxman said:

It works both ways! He gets called all sorts on here - no one knows really what their many arguments are about. All I see is HER starting the arguments at the drop of a hat and getting abusive - including physical. It doesn't matter what he says - he does not deserve that.

Yeah sorry, I was focused on that because I find so many comments on this thread to be sexist and stereotyped. But you're tottally right, he's also blamed and offended without any proof :) 

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9 minutes ago, Mackdog said:

Damn Kitty is hot.   Maybe we will get lucky and smith can put his phone down long enough to give her a good pumping on the couch for us!::)

The chances of that are about the same as Lev putting down his ipad for  10 minutes.... or Paul  lasting in  bed  for more than 5...

it just ain't gonna happen.

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8 minutes ago, TMR1 said:

The chances of that are about the same as Lev putting down his ipad for  10 minutes.... or Paul  lasting in  bed  for more than 5...

it just ain't gonna happen.

I don´t think Paul is much of a lover, but it is no more fair to say that he wouldn´t last for longer than five minutes. I have not seen their sex lately, but in the last two three months their scheme has always been pretty much the same: first Leora gives Paul her fantastic oral treatment (which I would not last for five minutes). Paul might lick Leora a bit though he does not know exactly how to do it. Then Leora climbs on top of Paul and after five minutes reaches her orgasm by helping with her fingers (the position she takes always needs the fingers, but not Paul´s as he does not exactly know how to do that either). And then at the end Leora gives Paul a blowjob, Paul helps a little with his hand, cums into Leora´s mouth, she swallows the load and wipes her mouth with her hand. That takes altogether 20-25 minutes, and nowadays Leora cums first and Paul later, which is the correct order.

I wish Kitty and Smith could one day have decent sex - I have not seen any so far, and nothing reminding decent sex has been posted, either. Phone and skateboard are much more interesting to Smith than Kitty whom he often tries to grab for a few seconds and then gives up. No wonder, he is not a grown-up (neither is Kitty), my son was 13 when he had that kind of bagging trousers and a skateboard (but no tattoos, never!)

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