k2000 Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 vous plus simpa dans ce forum que dans celui de Danaya, Adele et Aida (photo et video les photos et vidéos mars 2016)
k2000 Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 vous plus simpa dans ce forum que dans celui de Danaya, Adele et Aida (photo et video les photos et vidéos mars 2016)
peking Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 lol, "go the way of the Bronx tenements". I used to live in the Bronx. couldn't say something like, changes a middle class area went through in Iraq nnoooooo, had to use the Bronx, lol but your statement is probably closer to right than wrong. there have been times when I've seen, after a bate, the same and it was eh unsettling. had me wishing, I could read her mind, in English of course. I'm sure camera fatigue has set in or has been present for awhile and it has to mess with your mind and intimacy after some time. off track here but BB, says "fun loving Nelly" really, really? lol to me it's more like over the top Nelly and it is why I don't go there. Masha, I can't really say because I seen a vid and over the top but I've never seen more than a few seconds of her or 90% of the others. but Rollex, I can see and have seen your point. but I luv her's and Z's lips!!!!! I'm addicted!!!!!
BBsq69 Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Nice editing conveniently missing out one part of the image. Here is the true picture: Cassy said: Look like Leora is decide to offer us plenty of nudity today.She is pretty much posing for the camera only. This is certainly not supposed to be for Paul 5
bubbleobillo Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Her nudity today proved once again that she'll do what she wants, when she wants, and that there really was no ban on nudity enforced by Paul recently. She's her own woman and pleases herself. And us! 2
bubbleobillo Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 3 minutes ago, BBsq69 said: Nice editing conveniently missing out one part of the image. Here is the true picture: Cassy said: Look like Leora is decide to offer us plenty of nudity today.She is pretty much posing for the camera only. This is certainly not supposed to be for Paul Selective editing, huh! haha...well it was probably for us as well, I'll be bold enough to say! 4
cassy Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Well if you want to see that way .I'm perfectly fine with that. But for me it was for the camera .And later on when paul cover her pussy and she immediately uncovers her back. It was also for the camera.
BBsq69 Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Lots of fun going on once they finally rose for the couch only for: Freeze! Freeze! Freeze! No Picture! Freeze! No Picture! Freeze! Freeze! Absolutely shocking performance by the streams. I think this pretty much the end for me. I could hearall the laughter, the slapping but the content delivery was a joke. The number of times there was a problem in this apartment until a few weeks ago could be counted on fingers and toes. Now it's dozens of times a day especially if it is interesting!
maatiabada Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 bonjour ! Elle belle cette fille dommage que son mec n'est pas un Sud Mediterraneen !
Noldus Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 5 minutes ago, BBsq69 said: Masse moro som skjer når de endelig steg for sofaen bare for: Fryse! Fryse! Fryse! Ikke noe bilde! Fryse! Ikke noe bilde! Fryse! Fryse! Absolutt sjokkerende forestilling av bekker. Jeg tror dette ganske mye slutten for meg. Jeg kunne her all latteren, slapping men innholdet levering var en spøk. Antall ganger det var et problem i denne leiligheten før et par uker siden kunne telles på fingre og tær. Nå er det dusinvis av ganger om dagen, spesielt hvis det er interessant! try turning off the motion detection (man with green soccer) It helps.
BBsq69 Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 1 hour ago, cassy said: Well if you want to see that way .I'm perfectly fine with that. But for me it was for the camera .And later on when paul cover her pussy and she immediately uncovers her back. It was also for the camera. Hey cassy we've all seen the covering/uncovering routine before. However you are slightly missing the point. A lot of it is aimed squarely at Paul. As well as trying to attract him she is also playing games with him. She's not done a lot of that for a while, hardly at all this year but it used to be every few days. He tolerates it up to a point, certainly he often draws the line at her openly fingering herself, but then a side of him takes over and he tries to come between the camera and us or uses pillows and sheets. However since he is then rubbing her pussy in front of the cameras himself and the fact horse play ensued afterwards although thanks to freezing streams I heard about 5 times as much as I saw leads me to believe that they were both playing their games in better humour then they used to. Leora likes to exhibit. Leora likes to provoke. Paul likes to control. But they seem a lot more comfortable now than they were last year. However there did appear to be a little friction before they went out. Actually I wonder if that was her plan all along - if she behaves badly enough he'll have to take her out or fuck her and we all know which one is more likely. 1
k2000 Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Il y a 4 heures, BBsq69 a dit : Nice editing conveniently missing out one part of the image. Here is the true picture: Cassy said: Look like Leora is decide to offer us plenty of nudity today.She is pretty much posing for the camera only. This is certainly not supposed to be for Paul pouvez-vous me dire si il y a une video ? si ces oui merci de mettre le lien 2
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