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Leora & Paul - General Chat For This Apartment (2016)

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I would have to see that I agree only with your last comment "Strange couple" - that is certainly true. i've heard this disgusted theory before and I do not buy into it because often she seems quite happy and it is not unknown for her to bate again within a few hours. i am not ruling out mixed emotions and today it did seem that she had made up her mind that it was something she needed to do rather than wanted to do. The film she had just watched had made her sad and perhaps it was difficult to shake off but it was a long bate and she seemed relaxed afterwards and soon after played with the dog after making a phone call.

Now to relationship with Paul; I would have to say since the turn of the year they seem closer than ever. In the past he has gone through periods of following her around with her quite unresponsive but now they seem very comfortable with each other, kiss and hug very frequently, share jokes and watch films together. She's even spent more time in bed with him than she used to. Paul is most definitely interested in her and she loves him but maybe there are other factors which have been discussed here ad nauseum.

Yes there she was masturbating again. Seems like this is all she does, but this time when she finished she did look like a little disgusted or sad I could not I could not figure it out. It didn't seem right. If anybody else got that impression i would like to here your comments. There is something going on with her and Paul. This could be a set up with RLC or it could be that he has no interest in her at all. Maybe she should be a little more aggressive with him and that might get him to respond. Strange couple who knows?

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I watched the whole thing....

There was no "dog licking."

All that damn mutt did was BARK AND GROWL AND BARK AND GROWL while she pleasured herself.

Just like every other time.

I guess she is so used to it that it doesn't bother her. She just keeps the door closed. I guess that's why she retreats to the GR.

It sure bothers me when I'm trying to get into her mood myself. LOL


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I notice that she's in the GR right now, enjoying a cuppa, watching something on her laptop, like yesterday.

She's in a suitably scanty outfit and I suspect that as it's cold there at this time of the year, even allowing for the heating, the socks and the top stay on for no reason other than for warmth and comfort.

We'll have to wait and see if this is a false alarm, or the preamble to another good early afternoon bating session.

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Chip2020, I seem to remember you have posted some great pics unless I am mixing you up with someone else and as far as I am concerned the more the merrier.

I have learnt my lesson from the past and that is I DO NOT STOP TO CREATE POSTS UNLESS I'M SURE THERE'S NOTHING GOING ON. As pretty much the chronicler of Leora's nudity, I do my best to make sure I do not miss any, then hopefully I post shots that nobody else does but TBH I just choose my favourites. I also post mine in one contiguous grouping if possible.

I think she had a policy if ignoring the dog today because as she has found out, it's just as annoying if she locks it out of the GR, where she started to rub today with the dog right next to her. Actually I was even more put off while waiting for Leora to exit the shower recently by Paul's inane repetitive recorder playing - that was worse than the dog, although I doubt if he'll do it while she's bating unless she tries a cheeky one in the shower.

I guess I'm just too slow. No sense posting my pics now. It took me awhile to get my brain in gear after listening to that damn dog barking for 20 minutes. How can Leora get off with that inane dog. If it's not barking, it's trying to get her attention (and blocking our view in the process). If it wasn't for her orgasmic moaning (which is hard to hear over the dog anyway), I would mute the entire video to avoid listening to that mutt.  :bang head:


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My Dearest Leora,

February is the month of love. So all of this month we send you so much love.

We think you are the most incredibly beautiful sensuous woman.

We have all grown so much over the past few years haven't we?

We just wanted to tell you, we think you are awesome.

We would like you know that we appreciate you for allowing us into your life.

You are our shining star that brightens the darkest of skies.

Thank you so much for this morning, as it will not soon be forgotten.

So all this month we send you so much love & respect.

Happy Valentines Day



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So did anyone capture the fuck. It seemed pretty good for them with Leora straddling Paul's face and then some different positions. While that was going on Nelly and Bogdan started their more energetic action. It ould be great to see pictures from either especially as some of the time Leora was in colour as was Nelly all the time.

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