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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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Danaya is weak. I think she so wants badly to be liked, so she gives into Ilona and Adele and even Aida a bit. 

She fears taking charge.

And everyone loves her boobs!

Social politics rares its ugly head. Aida is an outsider so she needs to win over the kingmaker Danaya!

But Adele plays this game very well!

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Il suffit de regarder la séquence d'hier quand Aida avait la tete entre les jambes de Dayana

on voit bien qu'elle est embarrassée , se décomposer  mais au lieu de çà  elle est sur son portable et ne dit rien

Elle aurait pu dire à Aida ,excuse moi mais on est dans une position  embarrassante peux tu changer de place s'il te plait  mais sa timidité la bloque justement pour prendre des décisions comme celle ci elle est en position de faiblesse et c'est ce qu'on lui reproche c'est d'essayer de   vaincre sa timidité et Adèle en a profiter pour la manipuler et elle a préféré d'en parler à Adèle ensuite et se moquer d'elle

It is enough to look at the sequence of yesterday when Aida had the hand between the legs of Dayana

We see good that she is embarrassed, to decompose but instead of that  she is on her cellphone  and says nothing

She would have been able to say in Aida  excuses  but we are in an awkward position can you change place please but her,shyness blocks her exactly to make decisions as that this it is in position of weakness and it is what one he reproach it is to try to overcome its shyness and Adèle has of it to take advantage to treat)her and she preferred to speak about it to Adèle then and to laugh at her

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5 minutes ago, mr1010 said:

Danaya is weak. I think she so wants badly to be liked, so she gives into Ilona and Adele and even Aida a bit. 

She fears taking charge.

And everyone loves her boobs!

Social politics rares its ugly head. Aida is an outsider so she needs to win over the kingmaker Danaya!

But Adele plays this game very well!

Hi Mr1010!!

I've been busy for about a month, so I've not been here much. 

I am right that ...Danyana, who really liked Ilona and didn't care for Adele much, decided she actually

did like Adele after Ilona left. Then Aida appeared who Adele doesn't like so Danyana decided she didn't

like her either, but then changed her mind and decided she did. Then Nora appeared and Danyana decided

she didn't like Aida after all and that she would still love to get into Adele's knickers. Is that about right??

Here's what puzzles me. If Adele knew Aida before, and Aida knows Nora, then Nora surely must know the

other girls who have been here. :confused: 



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Upndown, my friend. Good to hear from you! Have you kept your coils oiled well? Spring in your step?

Enough of the "jokes". 

It is a puzzle wrapped in an enigma inside a riddle! It is Peyton Place, As the World Turns! It is freaking funny! And you about hit it! Nora is back in the game! That is all I can say about the craziness.

How do you like Nora and Rita being back? What's next, Milana?




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11 minutes ago, mr1010 said:

Upndown, my friend. Good to hear from you! Have you kept your coils oiled well? Spring in your step?

Enough of the "jokes". 

It is a puzzle wrapped in an enigma inside a riddle! It is Peyton Place, As the World Turns! It is freaking funny! And you about hit it! Nora is back in the game! That is all I can say about the craziness.

How do you like Nora and Rita being back? What's next, Milana?


I did catch Nora and her friend when I had a quick look the other day. I have to say Nora looked quite stunning!!

So much so that I had to go and wash my foreskin - quite rapidly!! 

Rita being back will keep Mikey from the suicidal thoughts I'm sure he was having about losing all his thousands of 'likes'

when the site changed!!


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Aida vient de rentrer à la maison , il est 3 heures du matin chez ellle et elle vient de vider tous les tiroirs de sa commode

et elle a range tous dans sa valise,,,,,   Peut etre qu'elle quitte l'appartement demain !!!!!!  Si c'est cela, Adele a eu sa peau!!!!!


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