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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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Hallelujah, all! We are done with bickering now.

Let's instead focus our efforts on the little bit of interesting stuff we get out of the apartment! Speaking of which, is Layla gone or not? Is new girl getting along with Ilona? I missed a lot (no, you don't have to give me pics, lol! Just tell me in posts!!!).

I think I need to get you guys back into a fun game we can play with all the girls from RLC. Everyone who wants, tell me your fab 5 favorite girls in order.

I will do mine: Kristy, Kami, Irma, Nelly, Leora.

Let's hear all of yours.

Once I hear everybody's faves, I will then have a list of girls to put on playing cards. Then, we can play poker! That was actually Foamy's idea which I like.

  ok i will name my 5 favs ,but think this will give a clue to my real identity , here goes alma.. mia .... big red (guest of c&s).... veronica and beatriz ,
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Every girl named shall get a playing card. After everyone had had a chance to contribute, we will add girls to make a full deck of cards.

And no, Mr. Magoo, I don't get your identity. Don't remove your mask, you can pm it to me, lol! And who was Mia? And I liked Alma a lot. They put on shows alright! She even took facials, loved blow jobs!

Keep going guys, we need your fab five!

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my fab five would be; layla, danaya, the guest of the guest at dashas right now, kristy, and ilona. thank you, but i won't be around real life cam by the time the game comes out and i was just giving you my opinion.  i am a biker but believe it or not i'm not into tats and thats why i picked the way i did.  have fun with the game everybody!

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Hallelujah, all! We are done with bickering now.

Let's instead focus our efforts on the little bit of interesting stuff we get out of the apartment! Speaking of which, is Layla gone or not? Is new girl getting along with Ilona? I missed a lot (no, you don't have to give me pics, lol! Just tell me in posts!!!).

I think I need to get you guys back into a fun game we can play with all the girls from RLC. Everyone who wants, tell me your fab 5 favorite girls in order.

I will do mine: Kristy, Kami, Irma, Nelly, Leora.

Let's hear all of yours.

Once I hear everybody's faves, I will then have a list of girls to put on playing cards. Then, we can play poker! That was actually Foamy's idea which I like.

Do you want our top 5 posted here or in the Old Dudes thread?

Nevermind, I'll post them both places. Here are my top 5 girls from RLC:

1) Kamila; 2) Rita; 3) Irma; 4) Nelly; 5) Zoya

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I was done with this bickering about 3 hours ago, Actually I was never really arguing with anyone last night either,,,,,,,I read what all you guys have said and I think the reason why most of you didn't quite get why I said what I did last night, is because none of you actually knew what went on behind the scenes,,,,,after seeing what hope85 posted last night I was kinda confused,because this was the same guy who repeatedly accuses me both in my pm and in the open forum of stealing his work and posting it to realifefam.com,,,now why would i need to steal anything of his when it's all free cam stuff,,,and why would I need it when I could just simply post the countless things that I have of my own(from the locked rooms),If he had never went on a ballistic tirade both on here and in my pm box then I couldn't care less about what he posts or where he got it from.

If someone was always accusing any of you guys of being a cat burglar,and your driving down the street and catch them climbing out of someone's window with a flat screen tv in tow,would you just keep on driving or would you say something about it. I don't care what he posts or where he got it from,just don't be a hypocrite about it,that's all I was saying.

And you are all right in saying that both sites share photos and videos and none of us actually owns this stuff,it belongs to RLC,,,It's like we are a bunch of thieves fighting over the stolen loot :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha: :haha:

And you guys are right about us stopping this silly schoolyard fighting and get back to the regular scheduled program of watching Ilona on her laptop and danaya on her tablet,so exciting isn't it,I bet all the people who grabbed their credit cards yesterday,are probably now having buyers remorse. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :lmao: :lmao:

And I do appreciate you guys always trying to calm me down whenever I get too hotheaded over trivial bullshit,,,now enough of this ,I started it so please let it end here and lets move on thank you.Mr1010,Mr.Magoo,Corboblanc and all the other sane people in this Circus  of CC. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

i can understand some of the issues that  guys have about posting pictures and seeing them reproduced on another site , in most cases images from here end up on reallifecamfan and vice-versa , but what i think alot of members dont realise is that site and this site are connected and owned by the same company/admin , some of your mods will know this , there shouldnt be competition between the 2 sites as that could have a negative affect on the other , surely its time to remember that even though we post pics at our own expence , the said images where illegally gained in the first place , due to RLCs own rules , so instead of bickering amongst ourselves , why not strive to make these sites stronger by being a union ,instead of 2 entities , there are images and vids on the other site that dont get seen on here and the same the other way around , surely it would be more benificial to share images +vids , and belive me there are alot of members of both sites , so are we a brotherhood and all want the best for the sites or are we alot of individuals who dont give a shit about our fellow members ?

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You just had to put your baby first didn't you bookmaster :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Do you want our top 5 posted here or in the Old Dudes thread?

Nevermind, I'll post them both places. Here are my top 5 girls from RLC:

1) Kamila; 2) Rita; 3) Irma; 4) Nelly; 5) Zoya

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Every girl named shall get a playing card. After everyone had had a chance to contribute, we will add girls to make a full deck of cards.

And no, Mr. Magoo, I don't get your identity. Don't remove your mask, you can pm it to me, lol! And who was Mia? And I liked Alma a lot. They put on shows alright! She even took facials, loved blow jobs!

Keep going guys, we need your fab five!

Kami, Zoya's guest (even though she pisses me off!), Leora, Nelly, Zoya.

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Guys, thanks a lot for your contribs.

Thesta, you have to narrow it down to 5, sorry man.

And Book, let's get the names here for now. No one other than you, me and Foamy looks in that thread. We'll save that thread for the actual specific of the cards and the game.

Mikey, I know your top one (lovely meter, meter maid!), but need all 5!

C'mon other guys. DES, Corboblanc, Df (Is everything alright, buddy? PM me to talk if you want), others!

We've got to get 52 cards. We still have a ways to go!

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