kase Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 i think that they`re the new owner of rlc which has a lot of responsibility for the destruction of the apartment not girls
kase Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 when girls have party for two months drink and use cokaine in apartment and rlc does nothing and stop the big mistake was the rlc
Pookus Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 4 hours ago, kase said: when girls have party for two months drink and use cokaine in apartment and rlc does nothing and stop the big mistake was the rlc Not just use cocaine, but bring the dealers around to the apartment to party with them. No shame about being on camera, I guess they figured that if anyone 'dobbed them in', to use a bit of Aussie vernacular, the girls would go down with them. Notice how quickly they disappeared when they stopped accepting the dancing naked and sexual favours as payment. Or, did RLC actually step in and tell them no more illegal drugs, and that's why the orgies stopped. 1
kase Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 37 minutes ago, Pookus said: Ikke bare bruker kokain, men få forhandlere rundt til leiligheten for å feste med dem. Ingen skam om å være på kamera, jeg antar de skjønte at hvis noen "dobbed dem", for å bruke litt av Aussie dialekt, ville jentene gå ned med dem. Legg merke til hvor raskt de forsvant da de sluttet å godta de dansende nakne og seksuelle tjenester som betaling. Eller gjorde RLC faktisk gå inn og fortelle dem ikke mer illegale rusmidler, og det er derfor orgier stoppet. perhaps rlc has stopped the girls and using dope maybe ???
vortios Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 2 hours ago, kase said: quizá RLC ha dejado a las chicas y el uso de la droga tal vez ??? It has only been possible to prove the use of illegal substances in Spain, on one occasion, It will be true that the girls were very lively in the first parties, but let's not say things we do not know. I say it above all, because we can mainly harm people, girls, who might not have to do with those substances. I think that was already a past issue, and we must leave that topic closed. RLC, I investigated that issue, and took the necessary steps.
kase Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 40 minutes ago, vortios said: Det har bare vært mulig å påvise bruk av illegale stoffer i Spania, ved en anledning, vil det være sant at jentene var svært livlig i de første partiene, men la oss ikke si ting vi ikke vet. Jeg sier det fremfor alt, fordi vi kan i hovedsak skade mennesker, jenter, som kanskje ikke har å gjøre med disse stoffene. Jeg tror det var allerede en fortid problemet, og vi må forlate dette emnet lukket. RLC, jeg undersøkte dette problemet, og tok de nødvendige skritt. ok i`ll stop and write about those but they are not new girl`s fault the apartments have been soberly
happyman88 Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 Thank goodness for Lima being in this apartment and for my money she is the only reallife person in both barca apartments. She lives for life and if she wants to get pissed she does; if she wants to party she does and appears to be quite funny and doesn't give a shit, a bit like how Elisa was when she was there. I'd bet she has a wicked sense of humour. She's my kind a gal and as far as I'm concerned she can stay at b-1 for as long as she likes. She's a breath of fresh air and far better than those other two prima donnas that live there. 1
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