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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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I have not read this board after the departure of Ilona, because I do not like these girls. 100 pages just in this topic. I will start reading work, but if someone could give a quick summary:

- Where the hell they spend the nights?

- Are they still generally a good choice?

- Should they leave before the coming of the new girl, so that she should not be influenced by them? (This is what I want)

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I think the girls have got lost in the big city of Barcelona.... 13 hours and counting.......I can say that my spainish has improved dramatically today  :yes: :yes:

now if only I could be learning up on that Russian language, I would be in heaven. :woohoo: :woohoo:

If you want, I'll start to write in Russian.  :lmao:

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Barry Elephant, I read your post and I agree with it 100%. Thank you for your comments. While we are entitled to our opinions, we are not entitled to call the girls prostitutes or whores or hookers!

Again, guys, we create the demand for the things we are critquing! You want there not to be escorts or prostitutes in the world? Just stop subscribing to voyeur sites or going to porn sites!!!!

Mind you, I am a voyeur and like porn. So, being consistent and not a hypocrite, I accept the idea of  girls being escorts, etc. I am ok with it. No double standards!

I am not happy that they don't spend time in this apartment though. I think RLC is at fault for not telling them they must spend time in the apartment. They did when Nora was there.

So, blame the right people, not the girls!

désolé, cher ami, mais personnellement, je suis voyeur, mais je ne payent pas pour voir des actrices pornos ou des prostituées!! attention, je ne dis pas que danaya ou adèle sont des prostituées!!! mais si un jour rlc trouvait une fille qui serait vraiment une prostitué, cela n'est pas parce que je suis voyeur que je dois tout accepter!!! c'est comme un gars qui te dis:" tu es contre la corrida, et pourtant tu manges de la viande"!!! je lui répondrait qu'il n'y a aucun rapport, que l'on peut manger de la viande et être contre la torture d'un animal en public!!! c'est pareil ici, je peux être voyeur, mais aussi avoir une morale!! certaines choses peuvent me choquer!!! ;) ;) ;)

sorry, dear, but I personally am a voyeur, but I would not pay to see porn actresses and prostitutes !! attention, I'm not saying Danaya or adèle are prostitutes !!! but if a rlc day was a girl who would really be a prostitute, this is not because I am a voyeur that I have to accept everything !!! it's like a guy who tell you "you are against bullfighting, and yet you eat meat" !!! I would reply that there is no report, which can eat meat and be against torture in a public animal !!! it's the same here, I can be voyeur, but also have a moral !! some things can shock me !!! ;) ;) ;)

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hi  happy  man  been  reading  your  comments  on  danaya  fan  page    im  with  you  100%  to  give  her  a  chance  shes  a beautiful  young  woman    could  go  far  modelling  but  is  sinkig    her  standards  lower  every  day  im  not  the only  one  thinks  adele is  bad  for  her    COME  ON  DANAYA  WAKE  UP  alot  of  people  like  you  rlc    get    someone  else in here  sadly  is  it  getting    near  to  danaya    leaving  what  do  you  guys  think

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But Yuri, who is the girl Danaya talking now on Skype? Do you know where she is?

I've never seen, as Danaya tells on Skype. I do not have access to the bedrooms. I can not say anything about it. Ask kitek or record the conversation.

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