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Tula - Split 3


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Until now people did not use the hallway as hiding spots. Anita and new girl are the first doing it. It is impossible to eliminate all hiding spots until you use a huge amount of cams. So it is important people dont use those spots. And that is what VV must tell them.

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all the attention to the hiding spots could be made into not a problem if some of the people would do the thing that interest the voyeurs when they are in range of the cams. if anita had an occasional encounter with someone and/or showed some skin while doing ordinary things like cooking, cleaning, etc like the tver girls attention would not be made to the hiding all the time. she can't be that shy since she has already bated & sucked dick in front of the guys many times. not to mention that the sight exists so that it can be watched. everyone should be an exhitionist to some degree or leave.

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As I think this appartement is not Sofia VV will do something. They already reacted by bringing in new girl. This did not work. Maybe their fault too but at least they try sth. They choose a girl this time I think because Ann and males did not work too. I bet there will be a change til weekend.

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3 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Until now people did not use the hallway as hiding spots. Anita and new girl are the first doing it. It is impossible to eliminate all hiding spots until you use a huge amount of cams. So it is important people dont use those spots. And that is what VV must tell them.

They are doing it because VV could care less.They know VV does not have enough 'Talent Pool' and cannot afford empty apartments.Therefore we have to tolerate whatever shit they come up with.

Also, I don't think it's even mentioned in whatever 'contract' they sign.Its all VV's fault if you ask me.Unless the site experience massive drop in viewership/membership,this will continue.


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Yes it is partly there fault. But it is too easy blaming them for the whole thing. Like every company they are dependent on what their employees do. When they do not play by rules they have the possibility to sanction them uktimately kick them out. And yes it is in their contract that hiding from cams on purpose and blocking them on purpose is not allowed. VV told me in an email when Gerda and Kent went on strike in Tula in august this year

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I think VV reacted as always. Dont get me wrong I dont wanna say it wrong to critizice them. There are many things which can be improved.

And I can only speak for myself but I always experienced them as very friendly nice persons in all Communications I had with them. I think they are not bad people.

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