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Pixie Frances


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Some of you may not know but "The Apprentice" was and still is an original BBC series featuring Amstrad (Alan M. Sugar Trading) founder Lord Sugar. Of course Trump is only really interested in celebrities whereas Sugar still says "You're fired!" to ordinary idiots. It has had its fair share of hotties including a greater breasted swinger who now gives sex advice in a national newspaper. However this series they have one hell of a pixie. I didn't know her background until today but she was a contestant in Miss Great Britain.

I present Pixie Frances  


And that swinger Luisa



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28 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Some of you may not know but "The Apprentice" was and still is an original BBC series featuring Amstrad (Alan M. Sugar Trading) founder Lord Sugar. Of course Trump is only really interested in celebrities whereas Sugar still says "You're fired!" to ordinary idiots. It has had it's fare of hotties including a greater breasted swinger who now gives sex advice in a national newspaper. However this series they have one hell of a pixie. I didn't know her background until today but she was a contestant in Miss Great Britain.

I present Pixie Frances  

ApprenticeFrances.jpg  0   78.3 kB ApprenticeFrances0.jpg  0   79.8 kB ApprenticeFrances1.jpg

And that swinger Luisa

££££Luisa-Zissman.jpg  0   67.73 kB

Or just get these 2 in with Danaya and see some fireworks....:biggrin:

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50 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Or just get these 2 in with Danaya and see some fireworks....:biggrin:

Well Frances is a pixie but I doubt if she would show much, but Luisa ... I think you'd be seeing Irma Mark 2 and maybe more, actually she would fit in well with the party girls.

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2 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

Yes I'm familiar with the Apprentice but don't watch it.

Wow! so when's Lima leaving....looks like a good replacement to me.....not that I don't like Lima :blush:

Don't you think she looks a little Ukrainian...:dodgy:

I think she looks Indian or maybe just mixed race, but so many UK girls cover themselves with tan it's difficult to say but I detect Asian features, even though her name is Frances Bishop. There is a touch of Belle about Frances in her lower face and she has wonderfully bright eyes, which does tend to be a feature of Indian girls.

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