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Kamila, Kristy & Heidi ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos February 2017.

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On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 0:32 AM, Beldonn1 said:

All the girls where around and on Kami yesterday night. Kami was more than ever the center, the mother bee, of this apartment. When she is away, life is dead. She has some magnetism rare people have.

It seems that Kami is too strong to have the strong boy she is looking for, so she kept Dima, the weak, stupid, vulgar and sometimes too physical guy. The girls should help Kami  to find a descent boyfriend.

Thank you Kitek for your translation ( see Kami is back's thread), just hope we have more hints on what the girls talked about last night, apart from what we could understand without knowing russian : hair talking, breast surgery talking, Instagram talking.

For the life of me I cant understand why Kamila does so poorly in the ratings and polls. She is surely the star of this whole website. I live in Los Angles trust me you can run into hundreds of Kamilas but some people have IT that's why people become models, movie stars, music stars. they just have IT. Kamila runs this shit point blank. When she's gone angry messages to RLC. Nicole is hardly ever home and she is attractive. Only a few care. Kam has shown all of her life inside the house. Sadness, indifference, romance, sexuality, selfishness, comfort, goofy, silly, mother bear, strong willed. when she goes I go.

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for all the Heidi lovers, she is away just as much as K&K and kristy now has to do her exercise  in the kitchen where we cant see! and these fly by night hostel members only take away from Kam being in bed alone. well, fire in the hometown I must excuse

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