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Jeka, Alice & Pavel - Part #1

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4 hours ago, Amy3 said:

I don't get it. The whole purpose of this site is share comments about stuff the way each of us sees it. Almost no one here knows the language. So, if we do as you suggest. Nobody would ever write comments about anything. Of course we are quick to judge, that's frankly the whole idea. It's not like this is some kind of official news source. It's a rumor mongering, speculation filled, forum full of people who barely have a clue what's really going on. What would you have us do instead? 

I've learnt in my education and my study (Physics and chemistry) to postpone my conclusion till I know the facts. In this and other VV- and VH-cases we have few facts; it is therefore not wise and polite to scold people only on the grounds of what has been seen. Upper-class has nothing to do with wealth, at least not in Europe, but with education. To end a dispute with a glass of beer does not suggest a good education. It neither does prove that that person was wrong in the preceding discussion. That is what I meant to say. The exclusion afterwards of Mira by all the others suggests that Mira was wrong in their eyes. They know much more than we do.

Whether the persons on the screen are sympathic or not is not important. Most participants on VV and VHTV are not sympathic in my eyes'. I've only a soft spot for Anna, Iris and Ivo.

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2 hours ago, beardman said:

I've learnt in my education and my study (Physics and chemistry) to postpone my conclusion till I know the facts. In this and other VV- and VH-cases we have few facts; it is therefore not wise and polite to scold people only on the grounds of what has been seen.

The whole reason why I choose to no longer engage in most of the discussions that take place because too often people here are WAY too reactionary. They see an action and IMMEDIATELY have to run to the forum to project their morality and judgments, and way too often people do it with half-assed facts or knowledge of the situation so way too often their immediate comments are proven wrong or null when more facts are presented or when the situation in question plays out. Nobody knows how to just sit and watch and digest events. 

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2 hours ago, beardman said:

I've learnt in my education and my study (Physics and chemistry) to postpone my conclusion till I know the facts. In this and other VV- and VH-cases we have few facts; it is therefore not wise and polite to scold people only on the grounds of what has been seen. Upper-class has nothing to do with wealth, at least not in Europe, but with education. To end a dispute with a glass of beer does not suggest a good education. It neither does prove that that person was wrong in the preceding discussion. That is what I meant to say. The exclusion afterwards of Mira by all the others suggests that Mira was wrong in their eyes. They know much more than we do.

Whether the persons on the screen are sympathic or not is not important. Most participants on VV and VHTV are not sympathic in my eyes'. I've only a soft spot for Anna, Iris and Ivo.

Wait for the facts to come in, huh? Exactly when have the facts ever come along? They almost never do because of the language barrier. I'm more then happy to apologize when I'm proven wrong. It happens, but so what. Our dialogue here is by no means a direct conversation with the tenants. We can't command the tenants. With the exception of guitargst, who does frequently interact with us. He knows all too well what we do and he seems to completely accept our shenanigans on CC. So, besides him, the only other tenants are AlexLina, who again totally accept our comments for what they are. I am no doubt the epitome of type of poster who you can't stand on CC. Yet, the very tenants have expressed nothing but love and understanding for me. So, this idea that our harsh, quick judgements are somehow disturbing to the tenants is just plain unfounded. Do you really think that somehow we are going to find out why Sara poured that beer on Mira? Most likely we never will. I just think that if we followed your idea of "waiting for the facts" then, nothing about anything can be said. I just think the whole idea of CC is for viewers to spout off their ideas about what they think is happening. This isn't the news, it's a forum of all types of people who want to have a dialogue with other viewers in order to try and figure out what's going on.  And also to make jokes and poke fun a the crazy stuff that happens on cam. I think your missing the point of it. 

Oh, and the only reason Miscvoyeur agrees with you is because he hates me with passion. Just go back and read his posts and you'll find plenty of comments expressing the very thing he claims to be against here. 


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24 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

The whole reason why I choose to no longer engage in most of the discussions that take place because too often people here are WAY too reactionary. They see an action and IMMEDIATELY have to run to the forum to project their morality and judgments, and way too often people do it with half-assed facts or knowledge of the situation so way too often their immediate comments are proven wrong or null when more facts are presented or when the situation in question plays out. Nobody knows how to just sit and watch and digest events. 

Well yes. But that's exactly the purpose of such a forum. We all write and discuss here and make shenanigans to have fun. I think you take things too serious here. It's not a news site. It's normal that there are lots of speculations and sometimes silly or senseless shit is talked in here. That's exactly what are we here for and me and most others in here wouldn't want it any other way. Just try to get a lil more relaxed and have fun. Real life outside is serious enough this should be the place to have fun making friends and simply enjoy.:biggrin:

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Well said Jabbath! It's supposed to be fun. Of course it can get serious when topics of morality come into play, but even then everyone is generally forgiving and understanding of others points of view. Happens all of the time. It's really not a big deal. Even if something is too much for others there is always another thread to visit. After a while it will pass. 

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i posted something a while ago that said something like it was better to not understand what was being said because then the creativity of the forum participants is unleashed to tell stories of what may or may not be & they are mostly far more entertaining then the true facts which we usually don't find out anyway. it usually is far more entertaining than the normal fare on say tv. and it should be fun because the world is mostly not fun. 1 reason that i've liked golf is because 1 gr8 shot may have to equal out with 10 horrible shots. it's like life. if everything had to be equal between joy & misery we would all just kill ourselves. light entertainment like the forum takes some of the edge off & helps in coping with normal life & the problems that go with it.

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

i posted something a while ago that said something like it was better to not understand what was being said because then the creativity of the forum participants is unleashed to tell stories of what may or may not be & they are mostly far more entertaining then the true facts which we usually don't find out anyway. it usually is far more entertaining than the normal fare on say tv. and it should be fun because the world is mostly not fun. 1 reason that i've liked golf is because 1 gr8 shot may have to equal out with 10 horrible shots. it's like life. if everything had to be equal between joy & misery we would all just kill ourselves. light entertainment like the forum takes some of the edge off & helps in coping with normal life & the problems that go with it.

Nothing to add here. Great comment :biggrin:

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