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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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And the cycle repeats itself. Isn't that wonderful.

BTW, there is 0 chance Anna is preggers. An ultrasound isn't done until about 18-20 weeks into a pregnancy. Maybe 12 weeks if they suspect a problem. No way is Anna pregnant.

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not all of the biological has been replaced,there are still one or two of us who can de-activate the emotion blocker for scientific observation,having monitored earth transmissions for sometime now,we have seen this concept called behaviour amongst the genders,many of your books and television broadcasts are dedicated to it.IT seem amongst the pairing of two humans that there is some patterns of behaviour that is unacceptable logic dictates that if some outside influence causes this unacceptable pattern of behaviour then the best thing to do is keep away from the influences that causes behavioural disruptance,we need to study this concept of behaviour in great detail so we can decode and try to understand it,as i have stated we have been monitoring this transmission and a pattern was emerging between the two in question,the female called anna was having feelings of  sadness,and the male called alex was having those feelings of regret  and hopefully shame,as his ilogical behaviour was viewed by many,maybe cyber conversion will erradicate this unwanted behviour with the installaltion of a cyber circuit that will block these emoitional responses,as leader of this team that is visting you planet i have the capabilty of emotion blocking de-activation which does serve a purpose at times.this time was one of those.i do hope that he can resolve this matter as he has a woman there who clearly loves him from what i have seen and he should count himself lucky in that respect.

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Can you explain "emotion blocker for scientific observation", IT is still 'ol IT, bits, bytes, files, databases,what programs are developed is what you put into to hide sub-code, covering tracks regardless what lanquge is is used, SQL, JAVASCRIPT.  Parts missing is security is overlooked, second nature, never enough.  Even the cloud is a spread across servers in datacenter farms andnot just a single datacenter anymore and as data moves more and more across the internet, there is more suspectibilty to hacking and stolen data, emial acounts (I myself with fuckin Yahoo) and I would never do my taxes online stored at the tax sofware data's firm access by their develpers to people to perform analytics to the highest bidders, scary times.  But humans thrmsleves controlled by the circuit, I got lost in the analysis.  Things are only pure robotic now.

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we were once human like yourselves on mondas,in order for the cyber race to survive we abandoned the biologic and embraced technology,many parts of our bodies were replaced with cybernetic parts.our conversion proccess causes a lot of what humans call trauma on the body,so in order to inhibit what you call pain a circuit called a emotional inhibiter is wired directly to that part of the brain that registers pain, emotion a reasoning ,human parts co-exist with the cybernetic,

in order for us to understand human emoition we must experience it so a few units like myself are able to switch of the inhibitor in order to fully understand the concept of emotion.emotion is a complex web consisting of pain reasoning and in some ways logical deduction although i have witnessed the logic being impared by emotional and irrational sentiment,anger, jealousy,greed.

i could go on but this is not the place for that.my reason for being here is i was instructed by the cyber controller to observe the humans called anna and alex.

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anna & alex must be living in the twilight zone. between the non-event of the weekend & the outbust by alex this apt is rapidly losing the interest that had been generated. i was sucked into it as they seemed to be attempting things that the other apts weren't doing and at times it was very good. but now they have regressed to their old vv behavior. alex has proven that as soon as it looks like he's behaving he'll go back to caveman mentality. and anna just keeps putting up with it. i think i'll give this place a little vacation from my viewing schedule. this behavior was a contributing factor to my loss of interest in vv & i really don't want to see more of the same. it's getting painful to watch. and where is the fucking dog????????




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32 minutes ago, Russ said:

cyberleader  did you ever watch twilight zone as I was reading your post I was hearing that guys voice at the beginning and end of the show     :biggrin: 

I can't help but read it in the voice of the (new) Cybermen from Doctor Who (even though the avatar is a classic Cyberman)!

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19 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

anna & alex must be living in the twilight zone. between the non-event of the weekend & the outbust by alex this apt is rapidly losing the interest that had been generated.


Yeah the events of this past weekend made me to never want to watch them live again. From now on I'm sticking to the timeline or archive for this apartment. Then that outburst made me not want to watch at all. 

21 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

and where is the fucking dog????????


Maybe it wasn't their dog to begin with? They could have just been dog-sitting for a friend. I haven't watched them in a couple days so I didn't know it was gone, but I would assume either that or they didn't want it after all. Probably the former though.

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43 minutes ago, cx2328 said:

Yeah the events of this past weekend made me to never want to watch them live again. From now on I'm sticking to the timeline or archive for this apartment. Then that outburst made me not want to watch at all. 

Maybe it wasn't their dog to begin with? They could have just been dog-sitting for a friend. I haven't watched them in a couple days so I didn't know it was gone, but I would assume either that or they didn't want it after all. Probably the former though.

i have no proof but i wouldn't be surprised if alex threw it out after roughing up anna. 

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29 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Eu não tenho nenhuma prova, mas eu não ficaria surpreso se alex atirou para fora depois de desbaste acima anna. 

I have said before and I will repeat, the dog was already absent long before the incident. As I also noticed, when they left he barked a lot.
It may have been by the action of neighbors (who knows what kind) that it was removed.
Too bad, it really is missing there. It may also have been temporary, an experience to see if they could adapt to it.

For another point,
Unfortunately the "ghost" of the negative side VV has become material there now, The faithful drink remains in focus and nothing is done for it. Neither on the part of VH,
Even if we are never to see unfortunate scenes like the one that happened. Justified (?) Somehow or not. Not for me.

I'm not going to let you watch this apartment if he has something to watch.
The charm at last was broken, Mine now was.

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Even if we are never to see unfortunate scenes like the one that happened. Justified (?) Somehow or not. Not for me.

Again "murder of meaning" by Google;

My intention is: never to see unhappy incidents like this one in this apartment again. With them there.
But even this I do not bet my chips here anymore.:confused:

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