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Trump Will be Impeached

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13 minutes ago, rammer said:

Be better than that, discuss the issue. Did you review the press conference today?  Let's discuss facts or I'm gone and you can reign here with your BS.

Your already gone dude, their is no reason to continue, I posted the facts about how Trump could fire Mueller and that is the only way possible Rosenstien has to be a goner first, then he can fire him, or he can have AG fire that worthless bustards ass. What does what he is doing, have anything to do with Russian interference in the election ? or did I miss something here ? Collusion Nope can't prove it. Obstruction of justice, nope can't prove it, Stormy the hooker got paid off and now wants a movie deal, now that can be proved and Mueller bought into it. 

Here is a headline for you rammer :

With former national security adviser Michael Flynn's guilty plea likely to be set aside, the indictments announced yesterday by Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein, in tenor, scope, and timing, are a desperate attempt by Mueller to save his crumbling collusion investigation from complete failure.

Now that is fact, look at what is doing now with a hooker ? This is just plain ridiculous and American people are fed up with this shit 70% just don't care anymore, just MSM does because of the headlines.

Mueller has failed at his task, and now he is grasping at straws. Not the first time he has failed either.

We’re constantly told that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is a man of rock-solid integrity, only interested in going where the evidence takes him.

His professional history, however, tells a different story:

One of failed prosecutions (of the Hells Angels, among other things), botched investigations (of the post-9/11 anthrax case, for example), multi-million dollar defamation settlements, and burying reports that highlighted his failures.

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I agree.  Not what the WH said today.  Where is the disconnect ?  Can you not understand that during the WH press conference today Sarah Sanders said that the POTUS has the power to fire Mueller. Get up to date Rider.

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4 minutes ago, rammer said:

I agree.  Not what the WH said today.  Where is the disconnect ?  Can you not understand that during the WH press conference today Sarah Sanders said that the POTUS has the power to fire Mueller. Get up to date Rider.

I guess you are that naïve that you believe everything the press says, with their 100's of unnamed sources? Like I said the American people are sick of this shit, and simply don't care anymore. There are far more important things to deal with than the MSM BS about Trump. He won't be impeached period. Mueller won't be fired either, he will just make a fool of himself in the end.

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You didn't answer my question Rider. Did Sarah Sanders say during her press conference today that Trump has the authority to fire Mueller.  She did.  Do you agree with that fact?  

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6 minutes ago, rammer said:

Every network carried it live without comment.  Grow up. Facts are facts.

This is what she said quoted: “I know a number of individuals in the legal community and including at the Department of Justice that he has the power to do so, but I don’t have any further announcements,” Sanders said. “We’ve been advised that the president certainly has the power to make that decision.”

Facts are the facts rammer, and not fantasy that you believe, and the MSM believes, on how to put a spin on what was really said.

“In response to media speculation and related questions being posed to the Administration, the White House yet again confirms that the President is not considering or discussing the firing of the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller,” White House Counsel Ty Cobb said in a statement.



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