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I don't like murderous dictators, but Putin accomplished a life-long dream of the Soviets and the Tsars. Thanks to the Obama Administration, Russia now has a warm-water port in the Mediterranean. He has a balanced budget. He is now the primary power broker in the Middle East. The British Empire would not have tolerated any of these situations.

The Democrats here are all very concerned that Putin is the reason why Hillary lost, and it fills the news to the exclusion of everything else. This makes no sense. Putin benefited greatly by the Obama administration, and Hillary's "reset" has directly led to a return to Russian expansion. Trump is unpredictable: that makes him a harder pill to swallow for Putin. He's not the pushover like Obama was.

I knew we would be in for a miserable 8 years when Obama removed the bust of Churchill from the White House. That was a despicable act and showed tremendous ignorance of culture and history.




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I think that not many folks realize that Trump has been dealing with Russian businessfolk for a good bit of his adult life. He owns businesses in that country. I am sure he has had to deal with Putin, off and on, for much of that time; even while Putin was a KGB operative. Over the last couple of months I have seen Trump begin to shed the naivete of thinking of the US as a big company; although it is hard to tell because of the background noise of those trying to overthrow our government from within. It is hard to get the straight poop about what he is doing, because of our media, but if you look at some outside indicators, you can see that Putin is now tentatively working with Trump to solve the Syrian problem. He never would have done that with President Obama. He overtly considered both Obamas to be Monkeys-In-a-Suit and ignored them. He thoroughly detested Michelle for the same reason as most Americans, she was an absolutely contemptible person. 

I agree with you on China. Europe tends to ignore things they don't want to deal with, to their detriment. Germany being a prime example...twice. I don't know if even the average American is aware of it but China controls the Panama Canal, that we built and Jimmy Carter gave back to them. Why is this a problem? I am glad you asked. Panama had no resources, money or otherwise, to deal with the maintenance of the canal nor were they capable of managing it or defending it. They were loath to ask for our help because of the Manuel Noriega issue, etc, so they turned to China who was only to glad to gain control of the single most important trade route between two oceans. Do you think that China will remain the benevolent(?) benefactor that we were?

The Jihadis are ex-president Obama's main legacy to the world. I suppose the KKK, as BB pointed out, could be compared to them in a small way but not only do Christians abhor them they are quite vocal about it, while the average Muslim remains silent about their problems. We will actually go after them if they step out of line as the Jihadis do. The average Muslim becomes docile in their presence. It is cultural fear; something the average American would actively squash under their heels. Think Mexican hat dance on la cucaracha (cockroach).

Gun Control in Europe is another issue that may bite them in their socialist behinds (I know the UK is a psuedo monarchy so no offence intended). One of the reasons we are so vehemently guarding our right to arm ourselves is that most of us know we will be needing them shortly. And, although we know there is small chance of reciprocation on the same level, we are quite comfy with using them in defense of our Atlantic side neighbors.

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On 6/11/2017 at 1:16 PM, kalevipoeg said:

Well, I am not surprised at all, rather angry. The U.S. have always been reluctant to participate in international conventions, especially if the U.N. is behind them, starting from the Human Rights Declaration. I guess the U.S. politicians have always regarded themselves as superior compared to those of the more modest countries, just like the British have thought of themselves compared to other European countries (there is fog in the English Channel, the continent is isolated). But Trump´s America Alone policy gives the global leadership voluntarily to new powers like China, India, the E.U. Once lost, it may be difficult to get the leadership back.

"The U.S. have always been reluctant to participate in international conventions, especially if the U.N. is behind them, starting from the Human Rights Declaration."

Balderdash! Who do you think was the primary mover to establish the UN? Who ceded a portion of American soil for it? Who guards it? Not the UN troops. Has there ever been an attack on any foreign embassy in the US? If you want to know why we have backed away from participating so much look to see what they have actually accomplished over the last 4 decades. Not a damn thing. They stand for nothing. They defend nothing without proper monetary contributions from the US. 
You are as misguided as the liberal lefties in the US. Has any other country in the world given as much aid to the world, including former enemies like Japan and Germany. No! Certainly no Scandinavian country you're from. No other country has put as much into the defence of the world as America. You are as ungrateful, and blind as the average welfare recipient in this country. You are so busy looking for reasons to find fault you can't see what Trump, or anyone for that matter, is actually doing; bad or good. Ever noticed that while not all who voted for Obama are rioters and looters, ALL of those, who do that, voted for him. Most of the Obama supporters have wrecked their own communities and now they want more. Most of the members countries of the UN are like every other welfare leech in the world, suck America, the richest country in the world, dry so we don't have to pay. Just like the line in that old Ten Years After song, "I'd love to change the world". "Tax the rich, feed the poor, tax them till they ain't rich no more." Then what, you moron? No more rich to tax, no more suckling pig at the teat of the world. The teat has been sucked dry. It's time to put up or shut up!

Kalevipoeg, although you probably don't care, my estimation of you just bottomed out.


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Ipiratemedia. I apologize for being rather harsh. While I am not religious, I am spiritual. It is sheer coincidence that our conversation here happened on a day when I had just had another frustrating conversation with an old high school buddy and little league baseball team-mate turned flat-earther. Not a good excuse but still my excuse. I used to admire his ability to make good grades with little effort. Even in our calculus and physics classes. He was sometimes a lab partner too, although he was a bit dangerous when left unattended...chuckle-chuckle. He is retired Army and although he hasn't ever seen combat he was stationed in Europe, mostly along the Eastern German borders, and had to fly to get there...and back...several times. So, I couldn't understand why he would buy into the flat earth theory. His explanation was that the curvature of the horizon was due to the lensing of the glass in the window of the aircraft. He then proceeded to send me scripture references and links to proof of a flat earth. and told me that if God wanted us to know such things he would have revealed them to us in the Bible. Holy Eric von Daniken Batman! He truly believed this. I asked him what he thought of all the pictures from the Hubble space telescope, for example, and his answer was that NASA had been lying to us for a long time. So was Euclid, Copernicus, and Newton. I was so flabergasted by the apparent lapse in (or was that "collapse of") his cognitive abilities that I had to step back and look to see if he was just yanking my chain. He wasn't. I knew ignorance was becoming more and more rampant these days, but not my friends I had known all my life. Now, I am no scientist, but I have slept in a Holiday Inn Express more than once so I know a thing or three about stuff and this had no logical basis. Yet... Anyway, I am knowledgeable of the bible, but no expert, but I do know that, from a creationist point of view, God wouldn't have revealed that stuff to us "in the beginning" because he would have known full well that we had no experience with which to understand it and no ability to make tools with which to study it. What He did give us was spiritualism. That, more than anything else, would allow us to learn enough to comprehend our own world. No other animals on earth would be able to achieve what we can without outside intervention.

2 hours ago, ww_watcher said:

"The U.S. have always been reluctant to participate in international conventions, especially if the U.N. is behind them, starting from the Human Rights Declaration."

Balderdash! Who do you think was the primary mover to establish the UN? Who ceded a portion of American soil for it? Who guards it? Not the UN troops. Has there ever been an attack on any foreign embassy in the US? If you want to know why we have backed away from participating so much look to see what they have actually accomplished over the last 4 decades. Not a damn thing. They stand for nothing. They defend nothing without proper monetary contributions from the US. 
You are as misguided as the liberal lefties in the US. Has any other country in the world given as much aid to the world, including former enemies like Japan and Germany. No! Certainly no Scandinavian country you're from. No other country has put as much into the defence of the world as America. You are as ungrateful, and blind as the average welfare recipient in this country. You are so busy looking for reasons to find fault you can't see what Trump, or anyone for that matter, is actually doing; bad or good. Ever noticed that while not all who voted for Obama are rioters and looters, ALL of those, who do that, voted for him. Most of the Obama supporters have wrecked their own communities and now they want more. Most of the members countries of the UN are like every other welfare leech in the world, suck America, the richest country in the world, dry so we don't have to pay. Just like the line in that old Ten Years After song, "I'd love to change the world". "Tax the rich, feed the poor, tax them till they ain't rich no more." Then what, you moron? No more rich to tax, no more suckling pig at the teat of the world. The teat has been sucked dry. It's time to put up or shut up!

Kalevipoeg, although you probably don't care, my estimation of you just bottomed out.



ww_watcher, now you are right indeed, I really don´t care.


I'm a proud Brit who has always wondered about the benefits of the UK's special relationship with the US which always tends to benefit the US more than the UK! However I have to defend the US and sing its praises for all that it has done in shaping the modern industrial world particularly in Western Europe and the Far East. It has been the leader of the democratic free world and ensured they have enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous 75 years.

Until the arrival of the President Obama each leader has recognised the US role as world leader and world policeman. Sadly Obama abandoned all notion of world leadership and instead tried to introduce socialism to the greatest capitalist nation on earth. Wonderfully idealistic but totally ineffective in a hostile world. Still Obamacare is some kind of legacy even though it will collapse eventually! Obama's tragedy is withdrawing world leadership at the precise time radical Islam arrived with a vengeance.

The one area of the world that the US has never understood is the Middle East. The US never realised that the so called Arab Spring was never going to lead to freedom and democracy. The Middle East does not 'do' democracy and never will. It exists in a state of eternal dictatorship -good bad and mostly ugly. Trying to mess with the delicate balance of dictator against dictator was always going to end in disaster. The UK's self styled world Messiah Tony Blair lied and cheated the UK into supporting the US in its misplaced adventure in Iraq. Rather than clean up the mess Obama ran away. The result, ISIS and a leadership vacuum.

Into such a world walks Trump. He sees that wealthy nations such as Germany and France plus the rest of the EU contribute the bear minimum to the institutions for maintaining peace. He sees every trade, climate or military agreement saddling the US with less benefit than other countries and more cost. His simple view is to invite other countries to pay more and end agreements that do not benefit the US. Fair enough I would say!

Into such a world, wet rose tinted liberalism has taken hold of the young spoilt youth of the Western World. Right wing views cannot be tolerated. Questioning liberal opinion is deemed racist, sexist and intolerant. Intolerance can only be exercised by intolerant liberals.

In the meantime radical Islam spreads unhindered around the world. The radical becomes the norm. Intolerance towards Gays is written into the heart of Islam. Control of women is built into the heart of Islam and its aversion to democracy is total. Yet liberals avoid speaking out against Islam at all costs. All the worlds media avoid criticism of Islam. The Charlie Hebdo attack is proving to be the greatest act of terror ever perpetrated. Its success in cowering the whole of the worlds media into avoiding criticising Islam has been 100% effective. 

The US has to renew its leadership of the Western World. It needs to engage with Russia and China and make it understood that they are better off working with each other against the real threat to world order which is radical Islam. Trump may be overly simplistic in expressing the problems of the world but at least he is expressing a view rather than just spouting liberal platitudes.

In the UK we were only 2000 votes from electing the wettest of all liberals. A sympathiser of terrorism, a pacifist, anti nuclear Marxist. If his party eventually wins control then the UK will be bankrupt in a matter of months and it will never be able to play a role in restoring world order. 

The US is the worlds last hope!!!!

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Well, Van, if the US is the world's last hope, you'd better start praying.

Otherwise I suspect you Western Europeans should be carrying a copy of the Communist Manifesto and a copy of the Koran in your back pockets. And keep your papers in order.

Here's your problem: the US has become leftest throughout the years, and when the Federal Government runs out of other people's money, we will have another  world war . . (but don't worry, it won't last long. Over by Christmas. I give it about a half an hour after the nukes are launched.)




I suspect you are right Foamy but I have to hope the US wakes up before it's too late. Doesn't China now own at least 20% of US debt? Imagine the mighty US being in hock to such an extent to China! Who would have thought such a thing possible in the days of Chairman Mao!!! What a potent combination being formed between Totalitarianism and Capitalism. Totalitarian Capitalism is far more effective than Democratic Capitalism for kick starting an economy but eventually governments can never allocate capital efficiently enough to continue growth. Once growth stalls God help all the Western businesses who think the Chinese market is the only market worth pursuing.

The Communists of China recognised that communism (nee socialism, Marxism) doesn't work -EVER! Hopefully they will one day change their name to the Capitalist party of China. The acronym doesn't even have to change!!! Maybe then all the dopes who support socialism will abandon their devotion to the failed idea. Maybe President Obama could be invited to join the all new 'CCP' 

15 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Well, Van, if the US is the world's last hope, you'd better start praying.

Otherwise I suspect you Western Europeans should be carrying a copy of the Communist Manifesto and a copy of the Koran in your back pockets. And keep your papers in order.

Here's your problem: the US has become leftest throughout the years, and when the Federal Government runs out of other people's money, we will have another  world war . . (but don't worry, it won't last long. Over by Christmas. I give it about a half an hour after the nukes are launched.)



Now Foamy T. As long as there are folks like you and others here on CC and elsewhere, and we are a large number, America is going to be just fine. Oh there will be scraped knees, black eyes, and torn shirts but we Americans, who still remember our "can-do" attitude, are coming back out of the wood-work to retake our country.

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Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, supreme court upheld the travel ban.  Fuck you Syrian terrorists pretending to be a refugee.  You going to be vetted and arrested and if identified and you try to run away you will be shot dead from an AR-15 you cock sucker.  God damn ISIS piece of shit, you need to be nuked supported by Hamas, Hezbollah, Russians, and especially Iran we have not yet gotten retribution from 1979, Obama sold us out, Iran already has a Nuke like N. Korea.  Fuck the treaty, Soon we will have a deep. deep bunker buster bomb.  The MOAB is 12 years old, there is a secret surprise first for Kim ill Fatso.  New subs will give you the bunker buster secret present,  we'll throw some nude mags  "Biggins" from Al Bundy's collection you can read you are burning up from the blast you goofy looking pig.

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