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Everything posted by Admin

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Go get that bucket list! We will all have our day, as the saying goes tomorrow is never promised, today is gift. Not that it's any consolation but I've given you a free one year membership to the forum, and I sincerely hope that one year from now I'll be adding another year on to it. Respectfully, - Admin
  2. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    We are unable to accept PayPal as they don't allow adult oriented sites. We can take Payza, BitCoin, and Square. I am working on setting up another payment processor to accept Mastercard. The crux of the issue is that this is an adult oriented site, and there simply aren't that many credit card processors willing to work with adult sites.
  3. This issue has been addressed. Everything should work now.
  4. Do you have a sample link? Please try now. I fixed a database issue that I believe was causing problems. Thank You, Admin
  5. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're activated.
  6. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set. Thank You.
  7. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set. Thank You.
  8. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    Please provide me with your Payza ID. It was probably a mix up. -Admin
  9. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set. Thank You.
  10. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set. Thank You.
  11. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set. Thank You.
  12. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set. Thank You.
  13. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    You're all set thank you.
  14. Admin


    You hit it right on the nail woodworker. True freedom of speech seems to be a fleeting ideal in this country. While I don't agree with everything that is said here, I respect the rights that have been granted to us by the men who have fought and died to protect them. Just to make this clear I have NEVER removed a post because i didn't agree with what someone said, even if it was something negative about me or this forum.
  15. Admin


    That's your prerogative. I appreciate your perspective and the time that you've dedicated to this community. I don't want to see you go, but I am not going to limit the free speech of all to placate a few. Sincerely, - Admin
  16. Admin


    I don't want you to leave, that being said this forum is and always will be one that allows free speech no matter what that may be. When you start telling people that they can't talk about certain things you're censoring them, censoring free thought, and expressing your own prejudice. You're free to respond to posts that you don't like, ignore them, or create your own posts countering them, but you're not free to limit other people's speech simply because you don't agree with them. I don't necessarily agree with everything that is said around here, but I can respect different perspectives, different ways of thinking, and different opinions. Again, I don't want you to leave, but I will not allow you to delete other peoples posts simply because you don't agree with them. I will reinstate your mod status as soon as you acknowledge that this is a free speech forum bar none. The choice is yours, feel free to PM me.
  17. You're all set. Thank you for your payment. I have activated your membership from today.
  18. Site: Lamaisondusexe Url: http://www.lamaisondusexe.fr/# Description: Live Stream of 12 Free Voyeur WebCams
  19. Admin


    1. Please keep your Rants and Flame Wars to this part of the forum so as not to derail topic specific threads. 2. Feel free to talk about whatever you like, but don't get upset when someone starts a topic that you don't like. 3. Proceed at your own risk.
  20. Our latest project is the development and relaunch of http://voyeurtube.cc/. I'd really appreciate your feedback. I want to know what you guys think of it, and if you think there is anything we could change or add. Thank You, Admin
  21. Admin

    Paid Memberships

    Please provide me with your Payza transaction number, either here or in a PM. Thank You, Admin
  22. Thanks, I hope it serves us well. - Admin
  23. All, we moved to a new server with more resources. Please let me know if any features aren't working or if you encounter any error messages. Thank You, - Admin
  24. Thanks JoJo. Were still going strong feel free to join.
  25. No its free. And should work for anyone. Are you getting an error message? it's ok now,the chat work but the video don't load What is it doing? You might need to refresh. It's working for everyone else as far as I can tell.
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