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Everything posted by Admin

  1. I apologize for the delay on this. I've been really busy lately with some other projects and have run into some issues trying to implement the payment gateway with the current forum software. At this moment I am waiting for approval from the credit card processors compliance department to start taking payments. Unfortunately, because this is considered an Adult site I have to use a specialized payment processor to take payments which adds a whole nother level of complexity and expense. - Admin
  2. Admin


    We only permit submissions that are from publicly available sources (I.e. not stolen from private galleries or personal computers). We do not encourage or permit hacking of any kind to obtain images, videos, or streams of people without their consent. Additionally, we do not condone photographing or filming people without their consent, and prohibit the posting of images, videos, streams that are obtained in that way. If you would like to have an image(s) removed please contact me. Do not post images, videos, streams, or links to sites featuring underage persons. If you see something that looks questionable or illegal please report it to either myself of one of the mods so that we can remove it and report it to the proper authorities. Thank You, -Admin
  3. Shortly, the account has been created. I am just working on integrating it with this site. Thanks, - Admin
  4. I am wary about that too. I liked PayPal, unfortunately it is against their terms of service to accept payments for adult oriented sites or material, even on E-Bay. I am working with a third party credit card processor that specializes in the adult market. They are secure and well reputable, payments will be made directly through them CC will never have access to your credit card information. I've had some people complain about PayPal not being available in their country, with this new system it won't matter where you live.
  5. Hey guys, I apologize I am working on setting up an adult payment processor. We're going to have everything fixed here pretty soon. We will no longer be able to take PayPal, but you will be able to purchase a membership using a reputable credit card processor regardless of country. I am in the final stages of getting things setup.
  6. It's an automated system. Someone could have accidentally tried to login as you, or intentionally tried resetting your password. If you're concerned, just reset it. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it. It happens quite a bit.
  7. Thank you. I am able to replicate the issue. I am working on fixing it.
  8. I'll look into it. Did you happen to register? There are different settings for free and registered members. I'll remove that limit if I find it.
  9. That's what I was going to ask. I don't have a good explanation for that other than a cache issue or incorrect password saved somewhere.
  10. This is no longer in beta. This is only the site that I can control and guarantee hosting.
  11. Do you remember what the thread was called? I can restore it. It was likely deleted by the person who started the thread. - Admin
  12. I have added an upload widget for the new site at the bottom of the page. You can upload directly to DirtyBin.com using the widget, no account needed. However, free users are limited to 500 MB per file. Becoming a member is free, you just have to go to the site and register. Let me know if you have any questions.
  13. A Depraved Media sample: http://dirtybin.com/rs download Video 5-0.mp4 from DirtyBin.com
  14. I think its related to an automated database backup. I have changed the backup time, I am hoping that will fix the issue. Please let me know if you continue to experience it. Thank you but you should not have changed the backup time it would have been easier for me to change my time then for you to find a time slot open that would make everyone happy. I noticed it too. There is no reason to have a resource intensive backup going during "business hours" it still happens just at a slower time.
  15. I have removed the download speed limit for free users. Seems pretty fast now. We'll see how it works under load (hopefully). Also, you can password protect files if you want to only share with certain people.
  16. All, I have just setup a new file hosting site. There have been numerous complaints about the various file sharing sites used by different members here. I set this site up to provide a relatively ad free, safe, easy to use, and quick way to store and share files. Please test it out and let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas. Right now it is hosted on a relatively minimal hosting plan, however, I can easily add a beefier back end if and when the need arises. I am still working on prettying it up. There is a currently a 500MB limit for free users per file. If you need more storage for other projects/sites a premium (ad free) membership is available for pretty cheap. Site is: http://dirtybin.com/ Thank You, Admin
  17. I think its related to an automated database backup. I have changed the backup time, I am hoping that will fix the issue. Please let me know if you continue to experience it.
  18. 1. I did not know that, I never have seen you post much related to RLC as much as I checked this site so I assumed you don't follow to the RLC anymore. I apologize for my rash assumption. 2. There is a difference between Admin's subjective opinion and a coherent debate. When I didn't agree with OP's post I simply stated my point of view as an equal human being or I ignored it if I didn't find any meaningful reply. I never censured anything unless it didn't follow the rules. For example posting banned hosts. Which brings me to my 3rd point... but there is a difference between chaotic posting (one could even call it spamming) and a civilized exchange of meaningful opinions. Of course, with smaller "crowd" it is easier to maintain everything inside the box. But you could get more admins/mods to the team then who could moderate more often. I'm sure there are many trusty members around who are here practically since the beginning of the CamCaps ;) 3. "Links to content hosted on other websites are not my problem." I think they should be your problem. As far as I can tell there is a huge war going on here with members using ul.to host in order to profit from revenue (downloads, premium accounts). It did happen at RLCF but in a spirit of sharing I have allowed such hosts only as alternatives. If somebody wanted to use it, they would first need to use a user-friendly host such as firedrive, mediafire, dropbox, google docs etc. and add ul.to only as a mirror. Preview of the content was also mandatory in a form of screenshot. Nobody wants to wait 2 hours to download useless video from ul.to only to find out they must wait another day to be able to download another video. If a poster didn't follow to it, I removed the post. Yep, we didn't get to see his video but the poster obviously didn't read the site rules and only posted to gain profit. I didn't want such members around. So food for thought: do a similar list of allowed and forbidden hosts. Another thing: How would you know if a RLC staff gets a paid account? 4. I don't know that, my RLCF was only a fan site to RLC. I don't follow to other voyeur websites, occasionally I check Chaturbate. A suggestion: you can also add a section about webcam chat. I see sites such as Omegle or Chatroulette have become quite a phenomena. 5. Glad to hear that! 6. Thanks! Haha, I guess you've caught me with that one :) By not my problem, I mean I am not responsible for them. I don't control them, they aren't hosted on CamCaps. There is more to this, but I am being intentionally vague.
  19. Without saying too much I am going to respond to some of your points RLCF Admin (Assuming you are who you say you are). 1. I am a fan of RLC, however, I try to keep a bit of distance from myself as a "fan" and myself as "Admin". I primarily reserve the Admin title for Administrative duties, that doesn't mean that I don't post under a different name from time to time ;). 2. This forum has grown rather quickly. Initially it was just a small group of fans who posted here and the discussion was limited almost exclusively to RLC. As the forum has grown naturally discussion of other topics has arisen. My philosophy has always been that I don't want this forum to be about me or what I think, It's not that I don't care, it's that I want the discussion to be open and intriguing for all. If there is something you don't like, don't read it, or explain why you don't like it. 3. As far as the sharing point I am not going to say much on that. Other than that in order to view content hosted here you must be a paid member, and it is against our terms of service for RLC staff to use this forum. Links to content hosted on other websites are not my problem. 4. There is a reason why I chose to name this site CamCaps.Net and not some variant of RLC Fan, it's because this is first and foremost a voyeur forum, not limited to one site. If RLC should suddenly disappear this forum would still exist, and still be true to its name. 5. For those of you who think CamCaps might disappear, just know that it's not going away anytime soon, and I am exploring a few other avenues, including setting up a site similar to RLC. 6. I will leave your shoutbox link up, even though it is a direct violation of our Spam policy. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
  20. Please vote and share your opinions.
  21. The warning message appears to have been removed. I am going to un-sticky this thread.
  22. Admin


    I think this is a great idea. Part of the reason for making Kitten a mod was to try to make this a more inviting and friendly place for women. Let me know if you can think of anything else I can do to make CamCaps more inviting to women. I know some of the larger tube sites have "Female Choice" categories that have videos that are supposedly chosen by women for women ( I have my suspicions though). I'd like to have something like that here. I'd also mention that ClubCamSystems has an all male (straight) strip club that has live cams of the stage and backroom, I am not sure if that's something you all would be interested in, but I can get you free access to that and possibly add a board for it.
  23. It's because it wasn't actually a virus or Malware. It was just a link to a site that Google considers "bad", that could potentially have attempted cross site scripting.
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