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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. Kira has. done aa. Great job of cleaning the seat of knowledge in the bathroom. Tonight viewed by cam9 in the bedroom
  2. Well done Nina and Kira you look fabulous
  3. Just seen it all now Nina plucking her eye brouses and eating the hair hairball mk2
  4. The girls are very happy tonight , I hope they have solved their little problems
  5. Bed early now ! where are they off to tonight Another concert maybe,
  6. Perhaps!M&R wanted the camera that high
  7. We didn’t miss much when the cameras were off only Nina in bed
  8. Has hair ball cut the cables?
  9. What’s the problem with N&K being off line
  10. the girls are at M&R sorting out the cameras
  11. we all do worry about the girls they are like family to us
  12. every one is worried about them
  13. They should be sent packing they are a waste of space Lets have lesbian couple back in
  14. I think Nina and DE were a couple a long time ago before Kira came along
  15. It maybe me but I don’t things have been right since DE visited She is a thorn in Kira s side I just hope they can work it out
  16. Alls well that ends well ( hopefully)
  17. WoUld it be anything to do with DE
  18. What has Nina done to upset Kira
  19. Kira is now sleeping on the sofa
  20. I know Kira has had a long day is she just tired or has she got a dog on with Nina She didn’t look to happy with her
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