While we are on the discussion of this apt. A week ago placed a request on camera 9 to rlc on not working there response we are working on it. Working on what I say. Working on my money thats what.
Now that is what I m talking about all the other girls from other apts. should be taking notes. That is what my 50$ should be bringing me .way to go masha :yeahbaby:
She must be in sales (clothings) she looks good with clothes on. An exhibitionist? I think not. What I would pay to see her with clothes priceless. :yeahbaby:
Since we are talking about cams can anybody tell me why there is no sound in bathrooms. It would come handy when kamila or any of the girls decide to relieve stress while taking a bath. 8)
gipfler I hear you totally.We are on the same page you and i, unfortune alot of the others disagree .They are blinded by the teasing which works at first.And as for seeing pussy all day we would be lucky to see it for 5 seconds. :)
Mate, I know it's not in the official rules, but you probably need to get your mum and dad to give you written permission to access this site.
[dude take abreak you dont have to be a prick every day lighten up ;)/quote]