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Everything posted by masterchef56

  1. You really don´t know anything of this.Malia just came to visit Leora and would just stay for a couple of months.But because of the Covid-19 she couldn´t go back to Russia because of the borders where closed.And that´s why Paul can´t visit Prauge and Leora as he certainly would if he could.And the 2 friends have developed a more deeper friendship with the so called "lesbian" things.They aren´t lesbians,non of them are but have been explored some girlie things between them.If you´ve been watching them as I have,you should have seen when they are together in,let´s say in Leora´s bed how Malia eagerlie throw herself to caress Leora´s thighs and pussy.And if you´ve seen the latest bate between them,you can easily see how interested Leora has been to see how Malia is affected of her works with Malia´s pussy.And as you say that Leora needs some man to do her,don´t you know that she´s seeing someone outside the apartment?But it´s always in her terms that she´s sees him,so she doesn´t need a man to satisfy her when she does it herself.Why doesn´t she see him more often then?I checked her for a month,April/21 and she was at home for 26 days and was out the rest 4 days.That says something,doesn´t it?So watch and learn what´s going on.Leora is a girl that likes to be home.
  2. Wow,after a long warm up our sunburnt Lady Of The House,Leora give us a very intensive bate with her little Mr.Pink friend with an hard orgasm,loved it.but please Leora,don´t swallow your satisfaction when you cum,just let it out,especially when you´re alone in the apartment.Love you always Leora and as usual a big kiss on your body.Oh,btw love your little smile afterwards when you show that you´re satisfied.
  3. And the rat is still here to spew out his rat shit,I told you to crawl back under your stone so run away little rat,buzz off.
  4. And the rat is back and spewing his shit again.why don´t you crawl back under your stone and stay there.
  5. Send a report like I did,he posts in the wrong topic thread like he did before.
  6. Actually Leora did a bate there last year,20-08-06 around 9:30 pm when she was home alone.
  7. That is pure speculation patou,we don´t know where she is and what she´s doing.
  8. Well,I have to say as Pulo use to say,it´s been an excellent day today.Our lovely Lady Of The House,Leora has been diligent as a bee,cleaned the whole apartment,washed the windows inside,never seen that before.And when she was finished she took a much needed relaxing bath for an hour.Later she decided to do some ironing,a whole pile of clothes, and of course I forgot to mention she changed her bed sheets.Isn´t this what we call real life?It doesn´t have to be sexuall all the time,she or they doesn´t have to bate every time they are at home,it´s so much more interesting and funny to just watch and study her and see the nuances in her face when she have to solve any problem and how she pull it off.So I had a great day with our lovely Lady Of The House,so thank you my love,it has been entertaining,love you.
  9. Well "Slip" you can blame it on me because if you go back in "Leora´s Fan Page" and read my posts on her own bates lately,you can see that I´ve urged her to realese her innermost feelings when she cums.And it seems that she has read what I´ve written and wished for.I don´t want her to scream as many of the other tenants has done, that´s only fake,just a little bit louder than before.And it has certanly been much better lately,not like before when she almost choked it.
  10. Wow,I knew sometihing was going to happen as soon as the Ipad was taken away.First I thought it was going to be a nuru massage but then I saw the lube bottle and then I understood that our Lady of the house Leora was horny again. Wow nice girls,a little complicated position but it worked out great.And the best thing is that you´re getting better and better at it,loved it.Love you always girls and a big kiss to you both.
  11. That was a nice surprise,almost missed it.Thank you my lovely Leora for a wonderful bate with a nice hard cum in the one of the best cam positions up close and I loved it.Love you always Leora and as usual a big kiss on your beautiful body.
  12. It´seems that it affected Leora more than Malia when Leonardo Di Caprio drowned,she was crying.
  13. They are watching "Titanic".I saw it whit cam 10 when the Ipad was on Malia´s side.Great movie btw.
  14. I count every bate they do together,side by side or help each other with fingers or dildo.And I can say that I´m very accurate to check before I write on the videofile so I get the correct #.
  15. Wow,I got to say I didn´t expect anything to happen tonight because of all the voicemail and texting that clearly made Leora upset.So it was nice to first see the lotion massage to warm up and then finish it with a nice sensuall bate together,loved it and thank you girls.Love you always and as usual a big kiss to both of you.Oh,btw today it was some kind of jubilee,bate # 40 together.
  16. Now you´ve been reported 3 times posting in the wrong topic thread.
  17. Wow girls,very nice to start out with a Nuru massage where you both got a little excited and then give us another nice bate in an little odd positon but it worked out great,thank you girls.Love you always and big kiss to both of you.
  18. 21-04-28 Home again wink wink.Oh what a lovely sensual bate with a really hard cum,loved it Leora. And this time I heard you really good so you make progress,nice.Love you always my lovely Leora and as usual a big kiss on you fantastic body.
  19. This is for you that complain when Leora is not at home.I´ve made a summary of how much she have slept out in April,not much is it. 20-04-01 Home 20-04-02 Out 20-04-03 Home 20-04-04 Home 20-04-05 Home 20-04-06 Home 20-04-07 Out 20-04-08 Home 20-04-09 Out 20-04-10 Home 20-04-11 Home 20-04-12 Home 20-04-13 Home 20-04-14 Home 20-04-15 Home 20-04-16 Out 20-04-17 Home 20-04-18 Home 20-04-19 Home 20-04-20 Home 20-04-21 Home 20-04-22 Home 20-04-23 Home 20-04-24 Home 20-04-25 Home 20-04-26 Home 20-04-27 Home
  20. Wow,this I could see coming,way to go girls.Much better this time than yesterday,thank you girls.But,Malia you must be more engaged in what you do not just look like a robot when you do it,watch and learn girl,watch and learn from a pro like Leora.And to you my lovely Leora,you was really engaged in what you did,up close to see what you were doing,and by the look in your face,you really loved it,nice my love.Love you always and it was a great bate,a big kiss to you both.
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