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Everything posted by masterchef56

  1. Wow girls,thank you very much for a mutual bate on each other,loved it.Love you always girls.
  2. That was awesome as usual.After more than an hour of teasing on the couch she give us this beautiful bate and finish with a hard cum and thank you my lovely Leora.Beautiful new negligee,very sexy.Love you always and a big kiss on your lovely big tits.
  3. This for all you whiners,complainers and all you who insult and speculates about Leora. Let´s start of like this,in june 2019,if I remember it right it was the 19 or 20,all of the russian apartment went out and i believe everybody was thinking,what the hell now then. We were probably thinking it would come back again,but no.After a message from RLC that it was the russian authorities that it wasn´t aloud anymore.And I believe that many of us were thinking, now then.What will happen and all we Leora lovers were desperate,will we ever see her again?And I think everybody was thinking probably not.So when her name suddenly poped up on the list we all probably thought,could it be her?And yes it was,but were is Paul?Oh he´s probably comes later but no he didn´t. So everybody who loves and adore her were happy and excited that she was back but on her own.And the following months she gave us a tremendous amount of shows in the apartment,not just in the bedroom but in the whole apartment.And in the middle of january Malia showed up and I don´t know about you but I was thinking,now it´s all over with shows in the livingroom,the kitchen and the guestroom,only shows in bedroom and maybe in the batroom.So the months rolled on and Malia developed from at first being a very shy girl to showing more and more and then one day in the end of april or the beginning of may we could see that something happened with Leora by all the phone calls she had with someone and it turns out it was a guy she had met,she was laughing and giggling like a schoolgirl when she talked with him.And then one day in may they had a little party were they got a little drunk and was dancing sexy and halfnude and Leora even got all nude and in the end they both took their first bate together on the couch and this was fantastic. And I belive that everybody was thinking,will they do it again?And yes,up to date they´ve done it 22 times, and it has developed more and more to our pleasure.But in the mean time Leora has been meeting this guy that everybody calls "loverboy" and what ever and we don´t like him because the way Leora has developed about this. There have been many ups and downs with her screaming and shouting and crying when she has talked with him and still she goes back to him,for what reason we don´t know.So now here it comes,when she today thursday the 4 of feb decides to visit him and stay the night with him,you all come with your complains against her because she´s not at home.Come on guys,think about it,how often is she with him?One maybe two days a week the rest of the week she is at home.So is this something to complain about after all that she has given to us,absolutely not.I will be honest and tell you that I don´t like it either,but what can I do,nothing.You can´t forbid her to see him,so accept it.And we should be very happy that she decided to come to Prauge and leave her life with Paul in Krasnoyarsk and start a new life in a new country.And one more thing,yes her batings have been reduced but we have to take in consideration that it´s not that easy to just throw yourself on your back and start doing it,you have to have some inspiration,don´t you.So have faith in her and we all will see alot more bates from her. And my last words about this is,STOP whining and complaining about her because in her eyes,we are all peasents, that is the word she calls us.Masterchef56.
  4. We shouldn´t be complaining at all,she´s been home every evening since late saturday afternoon.And she and Malia has given us 1 mutual bate and she herself has given us 2 bates so we should be greatful for what she and Malia have given us.And usually she only stay away for 1 day,so please stop whining and complaing and be thankful,it could be worse.You can´t request that she and Malia should bate everyday.
  5. Well,you got to explain a little more what you mean by that.If it is that they are eating at this hour,you haven´t been here that much,have you? This is nothing unusual that they are eating at this hour.And 1999 tells me that you are just 22,so run away little boy and watch something else, because this apartment is for the adult guys.
  6. Me too,and maybe she will.It´s not to long ago since they started using toys so maybe she don´t want to scare Malia with it.
  7. This was what you needed after a long evening feeling upset by what´s happened today.That was awesome my beautiful Queen.a nice hard cum,loved it,you´re Simply The Best.Love you always and a big kiss on you beautiful big tits.
  8. No,she´s watching the trial of Navalny and listening to the commentators discussing the verdict.
  9. Leora is very upset since she have read the news about Navalny he´s been sentenced to prison for three and a half years. Said that he was the only hope for young people in russian against Putin.She´s even crying because Paul cannot understand how important this is for her.That´s why she raises her voice o him.
  10. Oooh what great afternoon surprise from my lovely beautiful Leora,loved it.Love you always,a big kiss on your beautiful tits.
  11. Wow,that came right out the blue.Very nice girls,thank you very much .Love you always girls,kiss.
  12. She´s talking about how Putin is thief and a lier and about Navanly.She´s very upset over Putin which in her eys is a bandit.
  13. So,why are you here then if you think it´s a comedy?The funny thing is,when Leora or both are at home they are almost always among the top thumbs even if they aren´t doing anything special.But when they do,it doesn´t matter what´s happen in the other apartment and after a session they are 100% # 1 even # 2 and # 3 at the replay thumbs so they must have a very big fanclub that follow them.So run away you little boy and go watch all the so called "wannabes" in the other apartments.
  14. Malia wouldn´t dare to do that if as slip says is given permission to do so.Instead of this foolish thing like watching porn they could easily take it from there when Leora is soaking wet,but you have to remember who is the boss and runs it all so it´s all up to Leora.
  15. Leora is a pro,after all these years she knows exactly were the cams are and how to expose herself to them.Haven´t you noticed that even the sheet or the blanket under her she´s correcting so nothing will be hidden.The only thing I miss is that she doesn´t look straight into the cam anymore like she did before,to sad.
  16. Wow,that was a great surprise.Nothing stops Leora when she´s horny,not even when auntie has arrived.You are crazy girls but I loved it,thank you for magic bate.Love you always girls,kiss.
  17. She´s just curious to explore how far they could take it.She´s not a lesbian.They will probably never kiss each other like lesbians do,BUT we never know how far she is ready to go.Time will tell.
  18. Damn you Leora,I knew were horny earlier tonight so I´m not surprised that you gave us an amazing show.So thank you girls,but please,please stop looking at porn,you don´t need it to get going.Have fun with each other instead.Love you always girls,big kiss to you both.
  19. This for you my lovely,beautiful Leora.I just want to say I love the way you´ve matured into a real woman.Yes I loved you when you were younger and slimer too.I love to watch you every day with all your little things going on,like how you move,walk and how you dance when you´re in the mood.I love your smile and how you laugh and the attribute that is you.And don´t bother about the haters because I will always defend you and if I can protect you.And for me,you´re Simply The Best and I Will Always Love You. Love you always,kiss on your lovely ass.
  20. You are still the dumbest idiot on this forum,why don´t you stay out of these threads and go watch Luna and Zac and all the others you like to watch. So just piss off you lousy idiot.
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