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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Two of her better qualities then πŸ˜†
  2. And look who has the apartment... Another one to avoid 😷 πŸ’©
  3. The latest sex session must have been something special... Still sleeping and nearly 4pm πŸ˜ƒ
  4. Why were they posted in the first place.... Anyone could see from the start what condition she was in and was completely getting taken advantage of.... Disgrace Topic should be removed... end of story.
  5. One more added to the Sleepler Satisfied list πŸ˜‚πŸŽ­
  6. Boobs are definitely two of her better qualities 😴
  7. Knowing Jennifer the longer she can spin it out the better πŸ˜‰
  8. A great success and go down in VHtv history is my guess πŸ˜„
  9. Looks like they are away for longer... Hope you can last that long plum... House-sitters in bed already. Party last night must have taken it out of them πŸ˜†
  10. The standard ass showing tweet to announce the Guests and Big Party πŸ˜…
  11. Doing the washing up.. That is some escort they have found there... Wonder if she does the hoovering and ironing as well πŸ˜‚
  12. Still be tired after the exciting party last night. The so-called part organiser Karel sure looked knackered. Was asleep most of the time 😴 .lol.
  13. The happy couple been upto anything exciting today πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Better remember his plumber's tape for nice lubricated fitting πŸ˜‚
  15. You can bet he has somewhere he would like to insert his own pipe πŸ˜…
  16. Must have bought new clothes for that job... Cleanest tradesman ever πŸ˜ƒ
  17. The Big Kids Party looks thrilling.... No sausage rolls or mini pizzas.... Terrible πŸ˜…
  18. Realm12 doing the AssDirectCam again zzzzZZZzzzz πŸ’©
  19. Back online and they are home.. Better watch before they are offline again πŸ˜ƒ
  20. Bad when the number 1 fan even gets the names wrong πŸ˜… .pmsl.
  21. That is where it is one rule for one section and one for another. OK for some to call tenants boring, fake, not being original, but when others do, they throw their toys out the pram and escape to the hidden kids club πŸ˜‚
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