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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. "Someone new". That is asking way too much. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‚
  2. Looking up how Real people have conversations or different sex positions to keep your partner and audience interested. πŸ˜†
  3. Sleeping Barbie sure fits in well... Sleepler tired her out again. πŸ˜…
  4. 3 girls and 1 guy. Best keep and eye out just in case he is not safe. πŸ˜ƒ
  5. That's you just kicked the kids club door.... They will all run out now. πŸ˜‰
  6. All turn to the same bs sooner or later.. Looking directly at the camera does not make it look any more genuine.
  7. Good job they can always find mugs, or there wouldn't be much to post either. πŸ˜‚
  8. How many have you ever seen "proper" orgasm?
  9. Of course they did. Nothing but a dragged out viewing bs 😴
  10. Quick lights off so we can fuck πŸ˜‚ The quickest Herb has ever moved. πŸ˜†
  11. Jen the Queen of dragging it out.. Any bets on them fucking in the same room, or after the dragged out views tease go separately. πŸ˜‰
  12. Everyone still have outdoor clothes on... What in the world is going on.. 😲
  13. Not forgetting the standard selfie.. Allison looking a little happier in this one. ☺
  14. Know the rules... See how that goes πŸ˜ƒ The usual entertainment there.. What's the bet where Allison&Roger will be when the action is happening. πŸ˜‰
  15. Definitely.. True woman compared to the girls VHtv offer.
  16. Dirty minds are the best minds ☺
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