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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Get rid of most of them. Wouldn't be a loss. Nina & Kira top of the list. 🤣
  2. Unless someone has proof they don't have consent. Fucking pointless. Mountain out a molehill.
  3. Don't think stud Wolf will have any problems getting her. Getting inside her might be the issue. 🤣
  4. You can be sure someone will have a plan of the area and images. 🤣
  5. Got to have some sane(ish) people here. 😂
  6. The same idiots that watch Lebore and her predictable "bates". 🤣
  7. Was gradually going down hill and turning to shit. Fucking laughable now.
  8. When has he ever been fully awake. More life in a morgue. 🤣
  9. His bum brigade only criticize him on their terms. #1 dickhead will come here and say the exact opposite from the other forum. 🤣
  10. Try doing that with the old school ones. 🤣
  11. She owns the apartment if you believe the specialists lol. Just like Gina owned her apartment. Esenia & Dima too. 🤣
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