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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Leora enjoys attention. Never. 🙄
  2. See how many more returnees they can persuade to come back.
  3. Because they are no longer doing or getting the girls to. Not doing the shows they once were doing all the time. Filling vacancies means very little. Especially depending on what they are actually doing to fill them.
  4. Exactly. And so many have all these interests, yet hardly leave or do any of them. 😆
  5. Would they not be better getting one site sorted and better before starting another.
  6. Profiles of the tenants are a good laugh. 🤣
  7. Definitely strange with Angie and Rachel. No nudity apartments. WTF
  8. Insult to clowns. Majority of clowns are entertaining. 🤣🤡
  9. My girlfriend wanted a marriage just like a fairy tale. I gave her a loaf of bread and left her in the forest. My daughter asked me how stars die. "Usually an overdose," I told her.
  10. Right horrors if associated with him.
  11. Linda laying on bed nude. Early night.
  12. All got their own reasons, doing thier own thing. Definitely not an apartment for the socialising fanatics. 🤣
  13. One word.... Zabava. She slowly got into it. Some take longer than others, especially masturbating.
  14. Very doubtful RLC are doing it if she is. Does enough when she is for them to be satisfied. Personally just annoying as fuck like her buddy Katspread.
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