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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. No time to be mad at one another. The 4 of them should be packing and fucking off. 🤣
  2. 12 would be a bit much. One midget black man would probably satisfy her. 😂
  3. Does look familiar. Seems to be the way these days.
  4. There would be floods of tears from her loyal fanatics, but in time I'm sure they would get over it. Can't see her/them going anywhere soon. Get their RLC pension in no time. 🤣
  5. If she is going to be that stupid. Deserves what she gets. Learn the hard way. Act like a doormat, you'll get treated like one.
  6. That not allowed. Is a forum after all. Members that pay, are paying towards "all" of them. Some for doing Jack shit but laying around or sleeping.
  7. Katspread, Vesdispear and Rachel leaving so soon.
  8. Depends who "her" is and what she does. 🤣
  9. Don't think she did. Going to be priceless when she does see them. 🤣
  10. Doubtful of seeing any of that with these three. Shame though.
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