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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Makes a difference to the Massi Cock/clown Brigade. 🤣
  2. Members going on about being true voyeurs. It's a voyeur site. Yet, want tenants to speak directly to the cameras. Get a grip. Never been a true "voyeur" site for obvious reasons. But shit like that makes it less so.
  3. Called a super fan. (There's other words but best not use) Nina&Kira have them as well. Pay attention to everything.
  4. So it can be cluttered up with obsessive BS in stead. Keeping records of where tenants go, timing how long it takes them to get to other apartments/get home. That normal is it. The weirdos and creepy get it easy. 🤣
  5. And wannabe porn stars. Getting hardons over other guys fucking easy girls.
  6. Devoted is a nice way of putting it. 🤣
  7. Caroline definitely a welcomed addition.
  8. Some would say bringing back certain girls, they are desperate and allow anyone, no matter how shit they were. Your choice whether you come back or not. But who wouldn't knowing you can get away with doing minimal and still get paid for it.
  9. Have they ever got through a month without a relocation??. 🤣
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