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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular. Grocery store flowers on valentine's day. Show someone you care slightly more than not at all.
  2. No kid was harmed. 🤣
  3. Numi was hardly going to be a hard quest. 🤣 Even with a ManBun.
  4. Gloria would knock most guys out. Wolf fighting. 🤣
  5. It's "Real Life". Just shows what scum you are dealing with. Makes you wonder what they have done.
  6. Didn't do shit apart from their daily shows. No loss just like them all let's be honest.
  7. Looked like wash and early night. But back to her position on the couch. Underwear on of course. Can't be showing the pussy.
  8. Not at the moment 🤣. Linda Tonya Much more lazy. 😂
  9. If she's lazy. Doesn't say much for me rest of them. 🤣
  10. Zabava looks tiny in the shower. Incredible body.
  11. Barbie going to get some bearded loving. 🤣
  12. Tonya had another busy day. Looks exhausted. 🤣
  13. Very aware of that. Let's leave it there.
  14. Happy to hear that. Always good to check just incase. 👍😀
  15. Once MashDrama shows it's face. 🤣
  16. Been the same for years. Not going to change now. The Chat Room on the other forum was left to let the obsessives and weird say what they wanted. Look at it now. Plenty no longer visit the Forum at all.
  17. Your identity. Are you still female? Remember do your daily check. 🤣
  18. If they banned camming, they'd hardly have any. Bet the stupid fuckers are still saying the site doesn't do that. 🤣
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