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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Last Friday Kami went to an audition for "Blind Date" TV show in which girls are expected to travel with guy and share bed with him. She believes that if she qualifies, she would become a star. This would open the doors to many other programs. But now she is with Yegor. She can not be sure of him but she must take into account his existence.
  2. On last visit from Nastia Kami told a story about one of her first boyfriends. When he realized that Kami wants to break up with him he didn't let her leave his apartment after the party, he threatened her and himself with a knife. He kept her there for a few days. She could not call because he destroyed her phone. Until his mother appeared and began asking about Kami. She said she does not understand why is the police around the apartment and asked whether Kami is with him. Only then he let her go. It turned out that there was no police, only her sister with two friends. Sister began to look for her and guessed where she might be. Kami says that after that for a very long time was afraid of guys. She even began to try to have sex with girls. Only after some time she met quiet boy whose normally would not pay any attention. Because he was very calm she regained sense of security.
  3. 20-9 Polya/Stella/Belle in the kitchen First Polya says something about her best guy. Belle says that every girl has her best penis. Belle says that she would like to see the penis on the table. Polya asks if only the penis? Belle pretends to cut it with a knife on the table. Stella talks about various gymnastic sex positions. Polya has a doubt. Stella says that when the penis is inside she relaxes. S and B show various gymnastic positions. B is doing the splits. S shows how man enters her from behind. Later, each tell what their sexual likes and dislikes. S and P don't like pussy licking and top position. Belle likes it. Belle does not like from behind because it hurts her. When she told this guy, he asked what he is doing wrong. B: Adult guy and he asks me what is he doing wrong? Let him ask his mom. Belle tells how one guy she was with made a video on his phone while they were having sex. He did not want to give her the recording. Belle says that if she got the video she would share it everywhere. Stella asks whether they had sex with another girl. P and B say they did not. Stella first says that she did then says it was not sex they only kissed and stroked each other. Then they talk about the size of clitoris and say that small clitoris are the cause of the difficulty in achieving orgasm. S and P are small and do not like when the guy starts to look for it. Belle says that some guy licked her for 2 hours without effect. At the end Poly lovingly tells how a Greek guy fucked her, pulled the hair. He fucked her so hard that for three days she was hurt when went to pee. Belle at the end says she also likes rough sex.
  4. Kami has a grudge that when yesterday she told him that she feels bad he did not react, didn't call/text back. Then he was coming for the night but later he canceled. Tonight he couldn't stay. He will tomorrow. She wants him to be beside her when she is sick.
  5. 18-9 Girls talking in the living room Girls and above all Belle tries to remember or find out what happened to her last night. Anna and Polya also have problems with memory. Anna says that if they didn't find Belle it could end much worse for her. Belle doesn't seem too bothered. Belle wonders if the guy with whom she was all night didn't have sex with her when she was drunk. Anna says that he was noble man and besides, "You were in such a state that I'm sorry." Belle confirms and says that after sex usually feels slight pain inside and now she didn't. A big role in saving Belle had the Emperor. It was him who found and brought Belle. Belle was flirting with him. Then she says, that the Emperor looks after them like a father. Apparently he was looking for her underwear. They discuss the impact of alcohol on their bodies. Overall, the impact is disastrous. Belle says that without little drink she can't dance properly. Belle mentioned other events were she was in worse state. Polya had trouble getting to the toilet and when she got there she saw a long line up. Polya asked whether she ever hit a man. Belle denied. Anna says that once she hit her BF in the face and he hit her back but quite lightly just to show her that it is not safe to hit a man. Polya says she got a lesson when she was 18 years old. She hit some guy who bothered her after the event. He hit so hard she landed on the other side of the street. Now she knows that she should not behave like a guy because she will be treated as if she was a guy. Belle got messages from friends who consoled her, it was not so bad with her. Belle is concerned whether the guy with whom she was is not offended by her. Polya assures her that he is not. Polya says she tried to stop Belle from drinking but no luck.
  6. That was only heard at B1 birthday party but not at B2 party.
  7. Don't think so, Carolina is friend of Anna & Belle. Anna said today she is going to greet her.
  8. Last night while sitting with Megan & Rebecca on the sofa. Rebecca apparently presented one's view on how to make love with a guy that both have pleasure. Dima loudly protests. He says that someone is wrong and delivers his own opinion on the subject. Dima: First, you both need to be in a good mood. Secondly .... Somewhat he seemed to be ashamed that he is speaking about it to the girls. Girls ask him not to continue. In the end, he says, that he could explain it. Dima: The most important thing to respond to needs of your partner. To this you must indicate when you feel pleasure and when you don't because without that partner may not know what you like. For example, when to press harder and when less. Maybe sometimes you have to steer him on the right track. Perhaps the problem comes from a complex. Rebecca says something about that oral sex does not make her pleasure. Dima: Apparently he does it incorrectly. Dima: You do not need to be ashamed only try it. Oral sex is a pleasure for the woman. It's not widely used but for me is necessary to achieve and makes me fulfilled. Lola hears the conversation from her room and comes out to join them. Dima does not understands the problem that girls have. Lola says that she also does not understands. Dima: I had a girlfriend which he first drove to orgasm orally and only after that they could have sex. You are good when your partner is well. Lola explains that sexual relations require proximity. Can't have prohibited areas. D: Just explain to him that you react differently, that girls reach the state of excitement not as straightforward way as men do. You require more attention, vigilance on the part of the partner more needs. M & R talk at the same time can't understand them. Dima protests. Tells them to watch some videos about it. Girls laugh but Dima is serious. Tells them to experiment with various caresses and positions, and also talk with him about this. Dima to Rebecca: Tell him to try, ask him what he feels, and suggest that you in the same way fondle his penis. Rebecca screams something loudly and laughs. Dima: But sex and everything associated with it is natural. Just we, our parents and their parents in educating Soviet reality in other contexts, and that affected them throughout their lives. There are people who are ashamed to ask their partner for help in the most natural activities related to their physicality. You should talk with your partner in an open manner. "I'd like you give me pleasure today and to achieve fulfillment I need you gently stroke my pussy." In such a manner. Girls do not have to say anything like that me. Of course, you should not do anything by force. This should result from desire. I do not blackmail, "If you do not do it you do not get pussy licked." Ask him to stroke you first in the area .... It is also very pleasant. And then do the same to him. 69 is a wonderful position to each other to make a pleasure. Rebecca leaves the room. Dima pours wine and says. D: Oh, girls, girls
  9. 18-9 In the bedroom 11:50 B: I'm very ashamed. I will not drink any more. She asks Anna about how did she behave. A: Oh "Shorty".... B: They laugh at me. Later she worries if the Emperor finds out B: Can't drink so much. Anna says something with a sleepy voice ??? B: I did not expect. Why did he leave? Do you think that ... A: You asked him: Do you love me? B: Please. Aaaaaaa !!!! Belle refers to riding elevator & escalator without undies. B: Whether I'll be drunk or not I get a little drink. Alcohol acts only after some time, right? Anna mutters something. B: And I was sick. She laments for a long time and leaves the room....
  10. Last night Rebecca to Dima: Such a good girls were here and you showed up ..... D: I'm leaving tomorrow. R: Me too. Further R says she has cheque and does not know how to fill it. she asks him whether he filled before. D: Million times. Later D explains how to fill out a cheque.
  11. Are you for real? I was watching and listening so I know exactly what was happening. Seriously, you read too much into it and come up with some unreal scenarios.
  12. 17-9 Anna & Belle A: I'm leaving soon. B: What, what, what? A: I'm going ....... B: Do you want it or not ? You have enough? A: It's not that I have enough. ...... I want to make drivers license .... I want to do this and this and this ----------------------------------------------- Guess she planned to stay for a month.
  13. 15-9 20:55 Talking to her BF Brief summary of the conversation She wants to sleep. Talks about weather. Hours of flight arrival. Future purchases. She misses him. She says that when she left she thought that she goes for 2-3 months and month has not passed and she has already packed her bags. The excess baggage on the plane. She doesn't like life here. All the girls are fine but the last two days .... (???) . Tomorrow will go shopping. They repeatedly send each other kisses. Ends the conversation and starts crying.
  14. The other day Lola said she needs to have sex with a man. Megan asked her why she said "with a man". Lola responds because she specified what she wants. Girls burst out laughing. Today Dima talking with Lola said that he has exact plan for the evening and Anna is in part of the plan. Dima: It will be fun. Lola is surprised that Dima has not so much baggage. Dima says he has a lot of clothes that would not wear so keeps them in the trunk of a car. Later talks about yesterday's card game in B1. They finished early because he wanted to sleep and went home
  15. She is leaving tomorrow but it seems she is not going back home. Dima said to her: You're going to the capital of Europe.
  16. Can't you see date 15.09 & time 2:30 in the morning I have included in the post?
  17. 16.9 aprox 20:30 Girls got an invitation for tomorrow and they seem to be very excited about it. Anna to Belle: Your prayers have been answered! Read! They wonder what they were going to wear and how to get there. Belle: Too many of us for a taxi. Belle says that she wants to find a boyfriend. A & P keep joking about Belle. Belle says that tomorrow she must go shopping for some lingerie. She wonders whether she should wear panties. Girls keep mocking her. She pulls out of the closet a dress and says that she needs a dress that keeps breasts in place. Belle: Your breasts do not need anyone! Anna: And you do not have them at all. Belle pulls out another outfit. A & P laugh at everything she says. Belle takes out of the closet a t-shirt: Even if I go in this and running shoes I win.
  18. You have complained for hours about it in the other thread and now you come here. Geezzz
  19. 15.09 at about 2:30 Megan & Rebecca alone in the bedroom R: Do not you want it? Rebecca is trying to undo her bra. M: It doesn't unzip. R: Here we go. Chill out. Rebecca goes down on Megan 2:34 Someone is at the door. Megan quickly puts her panties on. After a moment, Rebecca returns to kissing Megan's boobs. Rebecca tries again to remove Megan's undies. Megan does not allow her and is looking for something to secure the door. Right after that comes Belle. They let her in. Belle asks why they are ashamed and says she will help them to relax. She lies down on the bed and R & M start to caress her. Belle asks what they intend to do and why they are ashamed of Dima. Belle still does not know what's going on. She asks whether there were going to do a massage. All the time they caress Belle. Finally Belle gets up and leaves. She says when she comes back she will knock 3 times. 2:56 Belle returns and is surprised that the girls are naked. Later, catching up in caresses. Belle & Rebecca urge Megan to use a vibrator. First Belle caresses her with the dildo and then asks if she does not want to try on her own. 3:09 enters Lola. Megan gets up. Lola: What happens here? Lola complains about some guy that sleeps and can not even talk to him. Girls did not want to listen to her, she takes a vibrator away from Megan and makes them listen. She says that she later shows her how to use it. Megan grabs the vibrator from her and continues to pleasure herself. Lola asks if she wants. Megan: Yes. Rebecca vigorously caresses Lola. Lola is surprised: You should soon get married. You're crazy! She asks Megan whether it feels good. She says that's why I bought a vibrator to understand. Belle asks about the lube for Megan. Lola gives her lube and replaces Belle from helping Megan. She tells her not to think, spread your legs and relax. She says to Megan, that this trip will completely change her life. She becomes a completely different person. Later proposed that they move to her room where is a large bed. Girls do not really want to. Belle says they will go when Megan finishes. Belle says that there is one person who has never ended with an orgasm. Points at Rebecca. Lola is surprised and worried: Seriously? Belle: Okay. First one then the other. They play some porn on the phone and continue masturbate Megan. Lola decides that they move to her bedroom, and she uses her vibrator because this one is not suitable for anything. They leave the room. Rebecca says they should make sure that Dima doesn't see what they're doing. They moved to Lola's bed. They play the porn on Lola's phone, Lola asks how do they know her password. Rebecca says she saw once Lola entering it. Rebecca and Belle leave for while the room leaving the door open. Lola interrupts the fun: It's all so unorganized. Asks Megan to try herself with the vibrator and examine the places it gives her the pleasure. Megan gets up and wants to close the door but Belle and Rebecca are back. Lola tells Belle not to switch on the maximum speed of vibration so that Megan may later have sex problems with her man as she will not feel the same thing. Lola says that she wants to get into the tub. They're constantly discussing what is the best way to use vibrator. 3:45 Megan reaches an orgasm with the help of Belle and Stella, Later they still discuss what happened. Megan says she had never experienced anything like this with a man. 3:50 another action This time Stella. Main "Executor" is still Belle. This time it goes smoothly. approx. 3:54 it is over. 3:58 Next Rebecca but resigns after about 3 minutes.
  20. Last night Lola wanted to borrow vibrator from Megan but she didn't want give it to her, Lola told her she will make sure it's clean etc. Megan wasn't convinced at all so Lola left with nothing and used her own toy on Polya.
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