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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Apparently Rebecca doesn't have direct flight because RLC didn't get the ticket right on time, so she has 7 hrs trip ahead of her as she has to change planes and long time wait between the flights, she got really upset because of that.
  2. 9-11-2016 Jasmin/Rebecca/Belle talking before RLC goes under maintenance R asks whether J has internet in her phone. She wants to check how to move at the airport. R says it would be useful for J although she is without suitcases and hand luggage. B: Let's leave all together at the same time. Why should we sit here? J: You get paid and I don't get nothing. B: But there is the contract. J says she has to wait for her payment. B: They can leave it under the door mat. Later B says that neither today nor tomorrow she could not leave because she has to give someone something back that she borrowed. She could leave on 12th. B: Let them send the bonus. Apparently something happened because B says with a grievance: That's wrong. It's unfair. J wants write to her BF about leaving. R: Today? J asks B how much will they pay her B says she can not yet say but she will tell her when she will know. J says that she wanted to get an idea of how much she will be paid. B: about one and a half (???). It won't be any good for you because my salary is counted differently. I have special rates. J receives a message and says she gets 500 Belle snorts with laughter: You spend all that just on food. You might as well stay at home with your beloved. In your case, it makes no sense. (It seems that R gets 900). R to J: tell them that you are leaving tomorrow. They can not stop you because you've worked your time. Belle ironically: And what, they call the police? How will they explain what are we doing here? J says something about the contract. B: I do not know where and by whom it was written. B says she they may want to keep R because if R & J will leave she will be alone. They are looking for the address and later for something to write. R writes. Later J says that she is sorry, because when compared with other girls it falls to her advantage and when it comes to payout this sum is two times smaller. She says it does not make sense to stay any longer. B: Even more so if it was not .....???? (I did not understand the words). J: And what is it? B shrugs and says something (understood only last word "watched".) R finishes writing. J asks if she could read it. They wonder what payout should J receive, that was fair. R throws 750. She talks about some bonuses and sums it to 1200. Shortly after B2 is off-line Later on after UM when girls got home Rebecca was cheering Jasmin saying that one month until 11th will pass very fast.
  3. 7-11-2016 Mellisa says she has bruises and hurt her leg. She shows that she could not adjust her legs properly for the photos. Later, she asked if Lara already ate. She says that she behaves like her mother. Mellisa talks about her ex, who still writes that he wants to speak with her but does not write what about. Mellisa says that when he saw her photo on Instagram he asked if she is prostitute, because she was in a swimsuit. Mellisa asking Lara what she could borrow for the pictures tomorrow. Lara states that all Georgians, Turks, Arabs are "hot blood" and not suitable for partners. She talked to a friend that had Turk boyfriend. She has just found that he is dating other girl and told her that it's just friend. Then Lara tells of another model friend, who married an Arab and everything is fine. He is not jealous.
  4. Few days ago Mellisa was talking about a photo-shoot, she wanted to borrow some stuff from Lara, she was asked to have no brand names on her clothes.
  5. It seems that they want to do a joint party with B2 but the girls from B2 do not respond. Mellissa states that it typically appears as if they asked for a favor. L: We want to and they do not. M: Then I also do not care. We will go to a club and in addition I do not have to dress up in these .... (holds up a shirt referring to be dressed in lingerie ). L: They do not answer questions.
  6. Mellisa & Lara don't know each other but have a mutual friend. She asked Lara to guess who is it. Despite the hints Lara does not know who is it. She says to her that she intrigued her. Mellissa asks about entertainment in this place. Lara says about watching TV. In the end Lara states that you need to start partying. They dressed up and went for a walk.
  7. 23-10-2016 Rebecca/Jasmin Jasmin says it would be better if she doesn't stay longer. Rebecca: Why? J: I am not that interesting. R: Who is here more interesting than you? R: You'll make more money if you stay. You didn't go shopping yet. J: That's what I'm afraid that I will spend everything I earned. Next Jasmin says something about the payment at the end of the month. Rebecca convinces her that she should stay for another month . R: You should think about what you did there and what you're doing here. I left and came to the conclusion that I should come back here. And love? Love after longer separation will only be stronger. Then R says Jasmin BF is working for his own account, she asks if he would not want to come here. J: He won't come. He's not like that ... There is no sense for him to fly here. He can see me at home. The point is not that we do not need the money. Money is always necessary, no matter how much you have. The point is that I would like to have money earned by myself and not have to constantly ask him. Rebecca wondering when they arrived. September 10 to 10 will be a month. J: I have to take passport and see ... They figured that it was 9th. They count days and comes down to 22 days. Later they count if they stay longer and it comes out to 2.5 months. Jasmin comes to the conclusion that if she leaves, she will nothing to do there but take the dog out for a walk.
  8. Jasmin/Rebecca bedroom talk She talks about the argument with Milena in B1. When she left to B2 she left yogurt, sausages and beer in the fridge. The sausage was not open because she wanted give it to Carolina, so she could take it back home. When she returned to B1 the sausage was open and missing 3 bottles of beer. Rebecca said that probably Milena drank the beer because she really likes it. When Jasmin asked about the sausage Milena said that the previous day they had a party and took 3 slices. Jasmin said that the sausage was to be taken home. The girls promised to redeem it. When 2 days later she went back to B1 her yogurt was almost gone and beer was all gone. Nobody bought anything, no one said anything, they drank beer. Everything vanished! J: I asked her what we do about yogurt, sausages and beer. Then Milena started laugh and said: "God! You're so petty. I'll give you 5 or 10 euros. How much do you need? Jasmin: You ask, why I'm petty, I wanted to know what's going on. Then she started sneer at me. I thought the matter ended, I turned around and I wanted to go and she said something else. I turned around and said, petty has nothing to do here. The point is that you knew my phone number and you did not call me to ask. and she, "Why are you nervous." She stands and laughs. I said: Let it be, I'm petty. I turned and walked out. Rebecca asks Jasmin if she would like to get married. Jasmin says she is not interested right now. Rebecca says that now she does not want but when she will be 25-26 years she starts think about it..Such a wedding she would like to have would be very expensive. Jasmin says that she is with her boyfriend for 2 years. They actually live longer with each other than they are together as a couple. Jasmin says that once she returned ill from a trip and found out that her house was without heat. Then he came with fruits and medicines and took me to his place. And it stayed that way. At the beginning we did not have relation, just spent time together. Did not kiss, we did not sleep together. Well we slept together but there was no intimate relation. When he bought a trip for me and we went together I understood that this the man I like. I realized: Why not and we started sleeping together. He bought this trip because I was seeing very decent guy. A lot of guys were interested in me. He did not like it but because we were not together, he couldn't do much about it. In the end, he took me away from all those guys and we went on the trip, it happened to be his birthday. I said that I have a gift for him .... It was so funny!
  9. She was talking to Belle today about a girl she had conversation with about coming to Barcelona She says that she is pretty and very nice, she would like to know how it is here. Belle says that Rebecca should tell her part of the truth because they don't need modest girls here. Rebecca wants her to arrive between October/November. Rebecca knows her from work.
  10. 10.13 Rebecca & Belle Belle says that the money she earns is enough for her needs. She wants to buy an apartment so she does not have to live with parents and that they do not see what she is buying or brings home. Rebecca notes that the apartment she wants to buy is too small for a family. Belle says that about apartment for a family will worry her future husband not her. Eventually they agree on something together. Then Belle says that Carolina also wants to buy an apartment. Rebecca asks whether in their city. Belle: No. In Paris. Belle says that in the past together with Carolina they rented an apartment. Belle gave up on ranting because she does not intend to return to the country for the winter. She says that immediately after she leaves she will get another job. Rebecca asks where is she going because she too would want. Belle says she does not know and yet did not think about it. Later, they are talking about the earnings and profitability of work. Also, the need for foreign language skills.
  11. After talking on the Skype last night she came down talk to Lima in the living room. She tells Lima about the English guy. He found her a job. Lima asks if he has a job. Milena says he has a job and money. They moved recently and she could not find work. Apparently they lived together. She praises him for housekeeping. He is working in tourism industry right now. So her job would be to deal with tourists. Receive arriving group, look after them, take pictures of them in different situations. Milena does not say so explicitly but the guy is unhappy with her for some reason. Perhaps he does not like what she is currently doing and the lifestyle she leads.Later Lima proposes to draw portrait of Milena.However, she doesn't have any paper. Then they talk about diet. Lima tells of a conversation with Jasmin about this. Then Milana proposes to watch a movieThey go into the kitchen and get some food. Later they mention first foreign trips. Milena says that when she was 24 she came to work in Spain. I do not know what she was doing but she says it was so hard that she cried. Lima says that when she was 16 years she was offered a job but would have to quit school so she refused it. The other day Milena told a story that when in the past she was on a contract instead of working like other girls she was flirting with the boss. At one point he proposed to her and gave her a ring. He wanted to get married but she just wanted to have fun. She was warned before that it would end up like this. She dumped him.
  12. 13.10 around 1:21 in the kitchen Caro triumphantly: This month, it's the first night when I drank only one glass of wine. When he offered me the second I said, "No, I prefer cappuccino!" Lola: It's my second day with no alcohol. I feel like I'm going back to a previous life. Later, Lola checks the caloric content of what she removed from the refrigerator she counted 93 calories. It will go on growing hair, nails and breast. She wonders what drink she should prepare for herself. Then they talk about going home. Rebecca says that since Lola is leaving on 20 then Jasmin could move in with them. . Lola returns to the subject who ate the mango at night when Milena brought guys to the party. There was an argument next day because of that. When Milena with the guy returned to B2, Milena received phone call from Lola asking what happened to the mango, which upset her. Only now it turns out that it was Lima who ate the mango. Girls gossip again about Lima. At one point, Lola says that Lima has local citizenship. She asked Lima for how long is she staying and she said she was not going home.
  13. Last night she visited Caroline who is her friend, they live in the same town. Jasmin complained about Lima who in the morning slams the door all the time. Then they bitched about how she behaves and clothes she wears. Jasmin wants to be in the apartment with Caroline. Caroline tells her to ask Emperor and then keep coming and stick around. Yesterday evening she talked with her boyfriend. From what I heard she told him about girls walking around naked in the apartment and she doesn't like that. Her boyfriend wanted to come but she kept discouraging him. Of course there was no question if he wanted to stay with her.
  14. 10-11-2016 Belle arrives from her trip, she talks with girls in the hall She tells girls that guy she was with took her into the apartment. Only, it was not his apartment but one he rented for her. The apartment was empty. Then Belle talks about clothes. "He" wanted to decide for himself what to buy her. Lola asked if he was trying hook up with her. Belle: he didn't but had various suggestions. Among other things, he said that soon he has a birthday and would like to receive a gift from her. Belle: It was all so horrible so I ran away. Lola asked whether she bought a ticket. She asked also whether she took things that he bought her. Belle left everything because she didn't want to go back to the apartment where was monitoring and at the entrance sat a concierge. In the bedroom they talk about a key that was lost. There should be three keys. They thought that one took Belle with her. Belle left her key. Rebecca says that Emperor said that she can't have a key. Rebecca: Why he did not take you to his apartment? Belle says she couldn't live with him. He wants to get married. He is looking for a wife. If he brought me home and put all these things it would be a bit silly. L: That would be quite something.... It seems that he thinks with sense. B: He arranges a banquet to celebrate his birthday .... R: And he knows Russian? B: No. He said she would need a dress for the banquet. Belle says that there all wear designer clothes. L: Did you explain him though why are you leaving? B: I sent him a message that he is perfect but I do not want to be with him. L: Poor guy. B: And he announced to his friends that he will be with a girl. Belle Laughs. R: You ran away. B: If he was normal ... L: Did he behave rudely? B: He did. ... I was afraid he would lock me in the apartment. He is jealous .... When we walked he asked why everyone looks at me. It seemed to me that everyone looks just at us not just me. L: And wonder what you're doing there. B: What are you doing little girl? (laughs). Your place is on the red carpet ... L: With a young handsome man. B: That's why I decided that I can not stand it. L: You had enough money for a ticket? B: It costs 50 bucks.
  15. They didn't specify but it must be last orgy, Caroline was really upset the other day.
  16. 10-10-2016 Lola & Rebecca talk after her arrival Rebecca asks about B1. Lola doesn't have good opionion about M&L. That they are strange. Lima was drunk last night. She tells about Milena with three guys sat for 40 minutes in the bathroom at last party. Lola says that she should tone down with drinking & parties because it will kill her. Then Lola says about the recordings which appeared on YouTube and VK after previous party. Rebecca asks whether everything they could see. Lola says that the affair lasted two days and advises to close social media accounts and warn friends. They suspect that the recording come from Turkey. Lola says that some documents are being prepared. Later on Rebecca comes to Lola again, they are talking about the recordings. Lola says that she is not at all interested. She knows exactly what really happened. Lola says that they're pages with comments about what they do. Rebecca would like to see these recordings and read the comments and for the future beware of some compromising behaviors. Lola says that there is a lot of such sites. Later, they're talking about Anna which now recruits girl on trips. They mention Dubai and Paris. After talking on the phone Rebecca comes again talk to Lola Rebecca clearly worries about people seeing the recordings. She is afraid that everybody will remember. Lola says that everyone should prepare for questions. Rebecca says that it is difficult to prepare. Suddenly, someone you know can ask. Lola advises to confirm and ask "so what". Because if you will explain and say that you are ashamed it can to be much worse.
  17. 10-09-2016 After party Milena and her male guest in the living room Milena brings chamomile tea. He ascertains whether today is the day of sincerity. Milena confirmed. He first asks why they are drinking chamomile tea? M: It calms. Then he explains why he wants to kiss her. He says he loves her and he fell in love with her at first sight. It is nice to kiss. Today, the whole day was enjoyable: Our meeting, party, walk on the beach. Milena: Do you want to kiss me, because it's enjoyable? He: Yes. But you do not want. The phone rings and Milena for a long time talks to someone (probably the second guy) from B2. She says that they're drinking tea and talking about life and if he wants to he can come. Later difficult to understand what they were talking. They refer to any previous talks. About some people. I do not want to speculate. At some point the guy says that tomorrow he has something to do and will be tired. Milena: We can finish tea and go to sleep. However they keep talking for some time. About time management. Milena talks about her studies and about practices in IKEA and about how she followed the work of manager there. Milena says that she completely doesn't know him but doesn't know why she believes him. M: You present yourself very well but to me it is not enough. I had guys who looked well but were empty inside. He asks for an example. And criticizes her that she was trying to judge him. Milena says she is not. M: I'm telling you that I do not know you. I do not know you, but I trust you. I do not know what you write, what you like. I like your attitude and that each time from those few of our meetings I see that you are making progress. Milena says she wants to be independent. M: There are women who when they fall in love .... He: And you were in love? You are cat? M: Yes. He: Many times? Three? M: Two. Milena says she wants to be with a man because all her life she is alone and is already tired of it. He says that when colleagues scattered throughout Russia wished him happy birthday they were asking where he is. When he told them he is abroad they wrote that "he made it." During day he worked hard at construction and night at the kitchen sink. Here's how "he made it". He spent the night on the street and in churches. Further talks about his life. Later, they are talking about having children. How do you know that you're in love and so on...
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