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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Nelly is pissed about last night party because he didn't bother to call her nor tell her about it.
  2. 2nd LR cam image is only sharp on left hand side :o
  3. it must be really cold in there judging by her dress code ???
  4. Balcony is the answer to his problem.
  5. She wants him upstairs in her bed but he refused (scared of the cams )
  6. Apparently parents are coming to pick her up with her belongings
  7. I didn't know Czech sounds like French. :o
  8. She keeps asking him to come inside, apparently she offended him and he will not forgive her, so he keeps avoiding her.
  9. There is some trouble in paradise, he is upset with her about something, he is avoiding her since they came back, she is asking him to act normal and come and sit with her. :o
  10. Jenny wants to fix up her duck lips, she was talking on the phone with some girl about it. She also wanted to meet with some guy last night because she was bored but he couldn't come right away and when he showed up, nobody opened the door for him. She wants him to visit her today.
  11. Nastya was showing a video of Zheka aka Kiko parachute jump, she is very excited about it.
  12. She is leaving tomorrow, Kristy asked if she has any spare room in her suitcase but she doesn't as she bought new clothes and presents.
  13. When Nora came with her friend, Kamila had long discussion about her visa expiry. She thinks with her Greece vacation she has gone past 90 days so she will have to leave as soon as possible. Nora said she is going to make some phone calls to find out if there is a problem. She also suggested to lose her passport if her visa is expired otherwise she could be blacklisted and can forget about getting visa again.
  14. Girls got invited to restaurant by some guy who was texting them in English they have to be there at 1:20 am. Will see if they go...
  15. When she was alone she didn't masturbate everyday, now since he is back they have sex everyday. Seriously, you expect them to fuck all the time ??? That ain't happening in other apartments either.
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