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Everything posted by kitek

  1. all streams dropped to low quality :no:
  2. She is dressed up, I don't think she will be staying over.
  3. Did you see them entering apt 1 ? Where did they go to have sex? Did you see them leaving apt 1?
  4. Did you see him having sex if so where?
  5. He didn't leave and they're not a couple just sharing the same bed.
  6. The other cam doesn't seem to be working in night vision. This site has horrible setup, cams out of focus, cams moved by the tenants constantly and terrible angles.
  7. He did't know what to do, he should have just start fucking his girl from behind Guess it was first time for him to see her with another girl
  8. From what I heard she is his sister as Zoya was saying they don't look alike for siblings.
  9. RLC didn't say they're leaving the project, they are leaving this apartment which means they will have their own place after October 18.
  10. Why would they have to hurry with moving now? They need a day to move out and they still have 18 days left :screwy:
  11. VV got the shower cam running, they attached plastic around the base of the shower to block the reflection of the toilet
  12. Nastya and Zheka already have their own forum what's the point to start another one ? http://camcaps.net/nastya-zheka-aka-nora-kiko-apt-5/ Why not keep everything in one place :idk:
  13. They need to install cams in the hall & laundry room so they can't hide as much
  14. I think she got scared of her bed partner, he was so aggressive with his advances, he wanted to have sex with her right away and she wasn't into it. I don't know what his script is but he acts like everything is about his dick. :idk:
  15. VV "experts" installed a stream video player that works only in MS EDGE browser :wtf: update: it's back to old player now
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