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Everything posted by kitek

  1. someone poured bucket of fresh paint on her head :no:
  2. cam angle needs to be adjusted, where is VV staff to fix all that?
  3. Certainly is, just few days ago she was so shy to show any skin while visiting, now she is so comfortable in the shower with both of them.
  4. Now Azam could get his girlfriend to move in, kind of boring in apt 1 ???
  5. By the looks of things she didn't cheat on him, she basically dumped him after what he said or did last night at the party.
  6. Irina did not fuck with any of the guys yet but it is getting closer to the target
  7. This is looks like it's a scripted show to wash another they keep doing this in both apartments and final will be sex with Irina
  8. He is more interested in his phone than her, he treated red head the same way and she didn't look to happy about it.
  9. Please do not translate from French again, it does not make any sense :no:
  10. Some time ago Zoya was talking about them that they don't look alike.
  11. Azam is telling Karen he saw BJ in apt2 and immediately left
  12. Azam is back again? He showed up in apt 2 for few seconds and left and now he is back in apt1, changed and looks like he is staying for the night. :wtf:
  13. He is here to collect points for his downloads ... $$$$$
  14. It's getting crowded in this place and also no intimacy for K&T in bed.
  15. It's getting weird so this guy's girlfriend moves in and the other girl is a third wheel in bedroom with T&K, is VV going to get involved here :idk:
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